# You can leave this on "local". If you change it to production most console commands will ask for extra confirmation. # Never set it to "testing". APP_ENV=local # Set to true if you want to see debug information in error screens. APP_DEBUG=false # This should be your email address. # If you use Docker or similar, you can set this variable from a file by using SITE_OWNER_FILE # The variable is used in some errors shown to users who aren't admin. SITE_OWNER=firefly-admin@benjaminbaedorf.eu # Firefly III will launch using this language (for new users and unauthenticated visitors) # For a list of available languages: https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/tree/main/resources/lang # # If text is still in English, remember that not everything may have been translated. DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=en_US # The locale defines how numbers are formatted. # by default this value is the same as whatever the language is. DEFAULT_LOCALE=equal # Change this value to your preferred time zone. # Example: Europe/Amsterdam # For a list of supported time zones, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones TZ=Europe/Berlin # TRUSTED_PROXIES is a useful variable when using Docker and/or a reverse proxy. # Set it to ** and reverse proxies work just fine. TRUSTED_PROXIES=** # The log channel defines where your log entries go to. # Several other options exist. You can use 'single' for one big fat error log (not recommended). # Also available are 'syslog', 'errorlog' and 'stdout' which will log to the system itself. # A rotating log option is 'daily', creates 5 files that (surprise) rotate. # A cool option is 'papertrail' for cloud logging # Default setting 'stack' will log to 'daily' and to 'stdout' at the same time. LOG_CHANNEL=stack # Log level. You can set this from least severe to most severe: # debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency # If you set it to debug your logs will grow large, and fast. If you set it to emergency probably # nothing will get logged, ever. APP_LOG_LEVEL=notice # Audit log level. # The audit log is used to log notable Firefly III events on a separate channel. # These log entries may contain sensitive financial information. # The audit log is disabled by default. # # To enable it, set AUDIT_LOG_LEVEL to "info" # To disable it, set AUDIT_LOG_LEVEL to "emergency" AUDIT_LOG_LEVEL=emergency # # If you want, you can redirect the audit logs to another channel. # Set 'audit_stdout', 'audit_syslog', 'audit_errorlog' to log to the system itself. # Use audit_daily to log to a rotating file. # Use audit_papertrail to log to papertrail. # # If you do this, the audit logs may be mixed with normal logs because the settings for these channels # are often the same as the settings for the normal logs. AUDIT_LOG_CHANNEL= # # Used when logging to papertrail: # Also used when audit logs log to papertrail: # PAPERTRAIL_HOST= PAPERTRAIL_PORT= # PostgreSQL supports SSL. You can configure it here. # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE PGSQL_SSL_MODE=prefer PGSQL_SSL_ROOT_CERT=null PGSQL_SSL_CERT=null PGSQL_SSL_KEY=null PGSQL_SSL_CRL_FILE=null # more PostgreSQL settings PGSQL_SCHEMA=public # If you're looking for performance improvements, you could install memcached or redis CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file # If you set either of the options above to 'redis', you might want to update these settings too # If you use Docker or similar, you can set REDIS_HOST_FILE, REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE or # REDIS_PORT_FILE to set the value from a file instead of from an environment variable # can be tcp, unix or http REDIS_SCHEME=tcp # use only when using 'unix' for REDIS_SCHEME. Leave empty otherwise. REDIS_PATH= # use only when using 'tcp' or 'http' for REDIS_SCHEME. Leave empty otherwise. REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PORT=6379 # Use only with Redis 6+ with proper ACL set. Leave empty otherwise. REDIS_USERNAME= REDIS_PASSWORD= # always use quotes and make sure redis db "0" and "1" exists. Otherwise change accordingly. REDIS_DB="0" REDIS_CACHE_DB="1" # Cookie settings. Should not be necessary to change these. # If you use Docker or similar, you can set COOKIE_DOMAIN_FILE to set # the value from a file instead of from an environment variable # Setting samesite to "strict" may give you trouble logging in. COOKIE_PATH="/" COOKIE_DOMAIN= COOKIE_SECURE=false COOKIE_SAMESITE=lax # Firefly III can send you the following messages. SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE=true # These messages contain (sensitive) transaction information: SEND_REPORT_JOURNALS=true # Set this value to true if you want to set the location of certain things, like transactions. # Since this involves an external service, it's optional and disabled by default. ENABLE_EXTERNAL_MAP=false # Set this value to true if you want Firefly III to download currency exchange rates # from the internet. These rates are hosted by the creator of Firefly III inside # an Azure Storage Container. # Not all currencies may be available. Rates may be wrong. ENABLE_EXTERNAL_RATES=true # The map will default to this location: MAP_DEFAULT_LAT=51.983333 MAP_DEFAULT_LONG=5.916667 MAP_DEFAULT_ZOOM=6 # # Firefly III authentication settings # # # Firefly III supports a few authentication methods: # - 'web' (default, uses built in DB) # - 'remote_user_guard' for Authelia etc # Read more about these settings in the documentation. # https://docs.firefly-iii.org/firefly-iii/advanced-installation/authentication # # LDAP is no longer supported :( # AUTHENTICATION_GUARD=remote_user_guard # # Remote user guard settings # AUTHENTICATION_GUARD_HEADER=Remote-Email # # Firefly III supports webhooks. These are security sensitive and must be enabled manually first. # ALLOW_WEBHOOKS=false # # The static cron job token can be useful when you use Docker and wish to manage cron jobs. # 1. Set this token to any 32-character value (this is important!). # 2. Use this token in the cron URL instead of a user's command line token that you can find in /profile # # For more info: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/firefly-iii/advanced-installation/cron/ # # You can set this variable from a file by appending it with _FILE # STATIC_CRON_TOKEN= # You can fine tune the start-up of a Docker container by editing these environment variables. # Use this at your own risk. Disabling certain checks and features may result in lots of inconsistent data. # However if you know what you're doing you can significantly speed up container start times. # Set each value to true to enable, or false to disable. # Set this to true to build all locales supported by Firefly III. # This may take quite some time (several minutes) and is generally not recommended. # If you wish to change or alter the list of locales, start your Docker container with # `docker run -v locale.gen:/etc/locale.gen -e DKR_BUILD_LOCALE=true` # and make sure your preferred locales are in your own locale.gen. DKR_BUILD_LOCALE=false # Check if the SQLite database exists. Can be skipped if you're not using SQLite. # Won't significantly speed up things. DKR_CHECK_SQLITE=true # Run database creation and migration commands. Disable this only if you're 100% sure the DB exists # and is up to date. DKR_RUN_MIGRATION=true # Run database upgrade commands. Disable this only when you're 100% sure your DB is up-to-date # with the latest fixes (outside of migrations!) DKR_RUN_UPGRADE=true # Verify database integrity. Includes all data checks and verifications. # Disabling this makes Firefly III assume your DB is intact. DKR_RUN_VERIFY=true # Run database reporting commands. When disabled, Firefly III won't go over your data to report current state. # Disabling this should have no impact on data integrity or safety but it won't warn you of possible issues. DKR_RUN_REPORT=true # Generate OAuth2 keys. # When disabled, Firefly III won't attempt to generate OAuth2 Passport keys. This won't be an issue, IFF (if and only if) # you had previously generated keys already and they're stored in your database for restoration. DKR_RUN_PASSPORT_INSTALL=true # Leave the following configuration vars as is. # Unless you like to tinker and know what you're doing. APP_NAME=FireflyIII BROADCAST_DRIVER=log QUEUE_DRIVER=sync CACHE_PREFIX=firefly PUSHER_KEY= IPINFO_TOKEN= PUSHER_SECRET= PUSHER_ID= DEMO_USERNAME= DEMO_PASSWORD= FIREFLY_III_LAYOUT=v1 # # If you have trouble configuring your Firefly III installation, DON'T BOTHER setting this variable. # It won't work. It doesn't do ANYTHING. Don't believe the lies you read online. I'm not joking. # This configuration value WILL NOT HELP. # # Notable exception to this rule is Synology, which, according to some users, will use APP_URL to rewrite stuff. # # This variable is ONLY used in some of the emails Firefly III sends around. Nowhere else. # So when configuring anything WEB related this variable doesn't do anything. Nothing # # If you're stuck I understand you get desperate but look SOMEWHERE ELSE. # APP_URL=http://localhost