import { defineComponent, provide, shallowReactive, ref, PropType, } from 'vue'; import { BlockData, BlockDefinition, BlockLibrary, } from '../types'; import { SymBlockLibrary} from '../use-dynamic-blocks'; import { SbBlock } from './Block'; import './Main.scss'; export const SbMain = defineComponent({ name: 'sb-main', model: { prop: 'block', event: 'update', }, props: { customBlocks: { type: Array as PropType[]>, default: () => [], }, block: { type: Object as PropType>, required: true, }, onUpdate: { type: Function, default: () => {} }, }, setup(props: any) { // TODO: why does the typing of props not work here? const blockLibrary: BlockLibrary = shallowReactive({ ...props.customBlocks.reduce( (blocks: BlockLibrary, block: BlockDefinition) => ({ ...blocks, []: block }), {}, ), }); provide(SymBlockLibrary, blockLibrary); return () => (
); }, });