import { defineComponent, computed, watch, PropType, ref, Ref, } from 'vue'; import { IBlockData, OnUpdateBlockCb, OnActivateNextCb, OnRemoveSelfCb, OnAppendBlockCb, OnPrependBlockCb, OnActivatePreviousCb, } from '../types'; import { SbMode } from '../mode'; import { useResizeObserver, SymBlockDimensions } from '../use-resize-observer'; import { useActivation } from '../use-activation'; import { useBlockTree } from '../use-block-tree'; import { useDynamicBlocks } from '../use-dynamic-blocks'; import hoverCover from '../directives/hover-cover'; import SbMissingBlock from './MissingBlock'; import './Block.scss'; /** * Displays a Schlechtenburg block either the mode of the schlechtenburg instance. * You can use this to display child blocks inside your own blocks. */ export const SbBlock = defineComponent({ name: 'sb-block', directives: { hoverCover, }, props: { /** * The state for the block. */ block: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType>, required: true, }, /** * The state for the block. */ indexAsChild: { type: Number, default: -1, }, /** * Called when the block should be updated. */ eventUpdate: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType, default: () => () => {}, }, /** * Called when a sibling block should be inserted before the block */ eventPrependBlock: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType, default: () => () => {}, }, /** * Called when a sibling block should be inserted after the block */ eventAppendBlock: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType, default: () => () => {}, }, /** * Called when the block should be removed */ eventRemoveSelf: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType, default: () => () => {}, }, /** * Called when the previous sibling block should be activated */ eventActivatePrevious: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType, default: () => () => {}, }, /** * Called when the next sibling block should be activated */ eventActivateNext: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType, default: () => () => {}, }, }, setup(props, context) { const el: Ref = ref(null); const { mode, getBlock } = useDynamicBlocks(); const { isActive, activate, } = useActivation(; const classes = computed(() => ({ 'sb-block': true, 'sb-block_active': isActive.value, })); const { triggerSizeCalculation } = useResizeObserver(el, SymBlockDimensions); watch(() =>, triggerSizeCalculation); const { register } = useBlockTree(); register(props.block, props.indexAsChild); watch(props.block, () => { register(props.block, props.indexAsChild); }); const eventChildUpdate = (updated: {[key: string]: any}) => { props.eventUpdate({ ...props.block, data: {, ...updated, }, }); }; return () => { const BlockComponent = getBlock([mode.value] as any; if (!BlockComponent) { const MissingBlock = SbMissingBlock[mode.value]; return ; } if (mode.value === SbMode.View) { return ; } return
{ /** * This is an alternative toolbar location that parent blocks can use to offer UI elements specific to child blocks. * @slot context-toolbar */ context.slots['context-toolbar'] ? context.slots['context-toolbar']() : null } { $event.stopPropagation(); activate(); }, ...context.attrs, }} />
; }; }, });