import { defineComponent, provide, shallowReactive, shallowRef, ref, watch, computed, Transition, PropType, Ref, } from 'vue'; import { IBlockData, IBlockDefinition, IBlockLibrary, ITreeNode, OnUpdateBlockCb, IFormattingTool, IFormattingToolLibrary, } from '../types'; import { model } from '../block-helpers'; import { SymMode, SbMode } from '../mode'; import { SymBlockLibrary} from '../use-dynamic-blocks'; import { SymBlockTree, SymBlockTreeRegister, SymBlockTreeUnregister, } from '../use-block-tree'; import { SymEditorDimensions, useResizeObserver } from '../use-resize-observer'; import { SymActiveBlock } from '../use-activation'; import { SymRootElement } from '../use-root-element'; import { SbFormattingToolbar, SymFormattingToolLibrary, SymFormattingToolbarClients, SymFormattingToolbarActiveClient, } from '../rich-text'; import { SbMainMenu } from './MainMenu'; import { SbBlock } from './Block'; export interface ISbMainProps { availableBlocks: IBlockDefinition[]; availableFormattingTools: IFormattingTool[]; block: IBlockData; eventUpdate: OnUpdateBlockCb; mode: SbMode; } import './Main.scss'; export const SbMain = defineComponent({ name: 'sb-main', model, props: { availableBlocks: { type: Array as PropType[]>, default: () => [], }, availableFormattingTools: { type: Array as PropType, default: () => [], }, block: { type: Object as PropType>, required: true, }, /** * Called when the block should be updated. */ eventUpdate: { type: (null as unknown) as PropType, default: () => {}, }, mode: { type: String as PropType, validator(value: any) { return Object.values(SbMode).includes(value); }, default: SbMode.Edit, }, }, setup(props: ISbMainProps) { const el: Ref = ref(null); useResizeObserver(el, SymEditorDimensions); provide(SymRootElement, el); const inlineClients = shallowRef([]); provide(SymFormattingToolbarClients, inlineClients); provide(SymFormattingToolbarActiveClient, ref(null)); const mode = ref(props.mode); provide(SymMode, mode); watch(() => props.mode, (newMode) => { mode.value = newMode; }); const classes = computed(() => ({ 'sb-main': true, [`sb-main_${mode.value}`]: true, })); const activeBlock = ref(null); provide(SymActiveBlock, activeBlock); const blockTree: Ref = ref(null); provide(SymBlockTree, blockTree); provide(SymBlockTreeRegister, (block: ITreeNode) => { blockTree.value = block; }); provide(SymBlockTreeUnregister, () => { blockTree.value = null; }); const blockLibrary: IBlockLibrary = shallowReactive({ ...props.availableBlocks.reduce( (blocks: IBlockLibrary, block: IBlockDefinition) => ({ ...blocks, []: block }), {}, ), }); provide(SymBlockLibrary, blockLibrary); const inlineToolLibrary: IFormattingToolLibrary = shallowReactive({ ...props.availableFormattingTools.reduce( (tools: IFormattingToolLibrary, tool: IFormattingTool) => ({, []: tool }), {}, ), }); provide(SymFormattingToolLibrary, inlineToolLibrary); return () => (
{mode.value === SbMode.Edit ? : null}
); }, });