# K8S node Installing a K8S node using [scripts from the k3s-host](k3s-host) directory. ## Imaging Using installimage from the rescue instance. - `wipefs -fa /dev/nvme*n1` - `installimage -r no -n hetzner0?` - Debian bookworm - `PART / ext4 100G` - `PART /srv ext4 all` - ESC 0 + yes - reboot Partitioning. - First disk - OS - non precious data such as the LXC containers with runners. - Second disk - a partition configured with DRBD Debian user. - `ssh root@hetzner0?.forgejo.org` - `useradd --shell /bin/bash --create-home --groups sudo debian` - `mkdir -p /home/debian/.ssh ; cp -a .ssh/authorized_keys /home/debian/.ssh ; chown -R debian /home/debian/.ssh` - in `/etc/sudoers` edit `%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL` ## Install helpers Each node is identifed by the last digit of the hostname. ```sh sudo apt-get install git etckeeper git clone https://code.forgejo.org/infrastructure/documentation cd documentation/k3s-host cp variables.sh.example variables.sh cp secrets.sh.example secrets.sh ``` Variables that must be set depending on the role of the node. - first server node - secrets.sh: node_drbd_shared_secret - other server node - secrets.sh: node_drbd_shared_secret - secrets.sh: node_k8s_token: content of /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/token on the first node - variables.sh: node_k8s_existing: identifier of the first node (e.g. 5) - etcd node - secrets.sh: node_k8s_token: content of /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/token on the first node - variables.sh: node_k8s_existing: identifier of the first node (e.g. 5) - variables.sh: node_k8s_etcd: identifier of the node whose role is just etcd (e.g. 3) The other variables depend on the setup. ## Firewall `./setup.sh setup_ufw` ## DRBD DRBD is [configured](https://linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/drbd-guide-9_0-en/#p-work) with: `./setup.sh setup_drbd` Once two nodes have DRBD setup for the first time, it can be initialized by [pretending all is in sync](https://linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/drbd-guide-9_0-en/#s-skip-initial-resync) to save the initial bitmap sync since there is actually no data at all. ```sh sudo drbdadm primary r1 sudo drbdadm new-current-uuid --clear-bitmap r1/0 sudo mount /precious ``` ## NFS `./setup.sh setup_nfs` On the node that has the DRBD volume `/precious` mounted, set the IP of the NFS server to be used by k8s: ```sh sudo ip addr add dev enp5s0.4001 ``` ## K8S For the first node `./setup.sh setup_k8s`. For nodes joining the cluster `./setup.sh setup_k8s 6` where `hetzner06` is an existing node. - [metallb](https://metallb.universe.tf) instead of the default load balancer because it does not allow for a public IP different from the `k8s` node IP. `./setup.sh setup_k8s_metallb` - [traefik](https://traefik.io/) requests with [annotations](https://github.com/traefik/traefik-helm-chart/blob/7a13fc8a61a6ad30fcec32eec497dab9d8aea686/traefik/values.yaml#L736) specific IPs from `metalldb`. `./setup.sh setup_k8s_traefik` - [cert-manager](https://cert-manager.io/). `./setup.sh setup_k8s_certmanager` - NFS storage class `./setup.sh setup_k8s_nfs` ## K8S NFS storage creation Define the 20GB `forgejo-data` pvc owned by user id 1000. ```sh ./setup.sh setup_k8s_pvc forgejo-data 20Gi 1000 ``` # Disaster recovery and maintenance ## When a machine or disk is scheduled for replacement. * `kubectl drain hetzner05` # evacuate all the pods out of the node to be shutdown * `kubectl taint nodes hetzner05 key1=value1:NoSchedule` # prevent any pod from being created there (metallb speaker won't be drained, for instance) * `kubectl delete node hetzner05` # let the cluster know it no longer exists so a new one by the same name can replace it ## Routing the failover IP When the machine to which the failover IP (failover.forgejo.org) is routed is unavailable or to be shutdown, to the [Hetzner server panel](https://robot.hetzner.com/server), to the IPs tab and change the route of the failover IP to another node. All nodes are configured with the failover IP, there is nothing else to do. ## Manual boot operations ### On the machine that runs the NFS server * `sudo drbdadm primary r1` # Switch the DRBD to primary * `sudo mount /precious` # DRBD volume shared via NFS * `sudo ip addr add dev enp5s0.4001` # add NFS server IP ### On the other machines * `sudo ip addr del dev enp5s0.4001` # remove NFS server IP