diff --git a/src/chats/serenity.yaml b/src/chats/serenity.yaml index 838aae0..5892451 100644 --- a/src/chats/serenity.yaml +++ b/src/chats/serenity.yaml @@ -246,6 +246,11 @@ - It's really delicious: - Right, of course. - Nevermind: + - Would you like some pineapple pizza? + - Yes, please!: + - goto: getpineapplepizza + - Not right now.: + - Anything else? - set: $knows-pineapple - goto: eat - I made up my mind.: @@ -270,12 +275,14 @@ - goto: served - if: $knows-pineapple I'd like a pineapple pizza: + - label: getpineapplepizza - Coming right up your feeding tube! - script: drinkpizza - system: Received pineapple pizza smoothie - goto: served - if: $knows-coffee I'd like a cup of that legendary Old Earth Soykaf, please: + - label: getcoffee - Coming right up your feeding tube! - system: Received Old Earth Soykaf - goto: served @@ -307,6 +314,11 @@ - Your suit should have a coffee dispenser built right into it. - Naturally, it's not as good as my legendary Old Earth Soykaf! - set: knows-coffee + - Would you like some? + - Yes, please!: + - goto: getcoffee + - Not right now.: + - Anything else? - goto: non-pizza - Can't think of anything right now.: - So what would you like to order?