tweak key binding descriptions

This commit is contained in:
yuni 2024-04-03 14:29:51 +02:00
parent 5b1d6588f9
commit b4b24a192a

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@ -17,23 +17,22 @@ Key features:
# Key Bindings
- Space: slow down
- AWSD: accelerate
- Shift and Ctrl: accelerate up and down
- JKLUIO: mouseless camera rotation
- E: interact: talk to people, enter vehicles
- T: toggle music (NOTE: currently no music is included in the git repo)
- M: mute sound effects
- Q: exit vehicle
- R: rotate (hold r while moving the mouse)
- F: toggle 3rd person view
- TAB: toggle augmented reality overlay (HUD, low-light amplifier)
- Space: Slow down
- AWSD/Shift/Ctrl: Accelerate
- R: Hold and move mouse to rotate
- E: Interact: Talk to people, enter vehicles
- Q: Exit vehicle
- TAB: Toggle HUD/AR
- F: Toggle 3rd person view
- T: Toggle music
- M: Mute sound effects
- JKLUIO: Mouseless camera rotation
- V/B: Impossible acceleration forward/backward
- Shift+V/B: Same as V/B, but a thousand times faster
- C: Impossible instant stopping
- C: Impossibly instant stopping
# System Requirements