diff --git a/src/chats/serenity.yaml b/src/chats/serenity.yaml index 5414046..8163a44 100644 --- a/src/chats/serenity.yaml +++ b/src/chats/serenity.yaml @@ -363,12 +363,97 @@ Thank you so much!: - No problem at all! - set: grateful 0 + - goto: mainnode - What are you up to?: - - I'm running a workshop here. Come by if you need any repairs! + - I'm running a workshop. Come by if you need any repairs! + - Tinkering on various projects. + - What kind of projects?: + - A tuned MotorAce spaceship, an impact dampener, and... a secret project. + - label: projects + - Tell me about the spaceship: + - Ohh this one is mind-bending. + - By redirecting the energy flux of the oversized reaction wheels into the ion engine capacitors, you can boost the thrust of this beast to flesh-ripping levels. + - It's not... really... safe for humans. + - But if you do want to give it a try, the ship is over there. + - IT IS PROVIDED TO YOU WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. + - IN NO EVENT WILL I BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES. + - goto: projects + - Tell me about the impact dampener: + - Well. This spaceship is not really safe for humans. + - So I'm working on a suit mod to dampen the effect of g-forces. + - Not much to show for now, maybe come back in a couple weeks! + - goto: projects + - Tell me about the secret project: + - You wish! + - goto: projects + - What keeps you going in your pursuits?: + - if ~$whatsyourmotivation: + - set: whatsyourmotivation + - This... uhm, is the first time anybody has ever asked me that. + - Well, it sounds a bit crazy. + - I'm trying to reach the end. + - The end of what?: [] + - You're nuts.: + - A lunatic, you could say. + - goto: mainnode + - The end of everything. Of life, of stars, of protons themselves. + - You know how when you're close to the speed of light, time slows down? + - You age slower, can fly further, time dilation from special realtivity. + - Given the right speed, you age so slowly that you can literally go anywhere you want. + - Any *time* you want. + - Time travel! Only into the future though, of course.: + - Exactly. + - goto: continuemonologue + - Can I go back into the past?: + - Nooo, that doesn't quite work. + - Well, maybe with exotic matter with negative mass, using a theoretical Alcubierre drive. + - If you ever stumble on particles with negative mass, *PLEASE* let me know right away! + - But no. + - goto: continuemonologue + - You're nuts, time travel doesn't exist.: + - Uh huh. + - Hey, I gotta do some stuff, see you around. + - goto: EXIT + - In the future only, of course. + - label: continuemonologue + - I want to get all the way out to the edge of the visible universe, to the end of time, and watch the world evaporate into nothingness. + - Got the popcorn waiting already. + - This is the ultimate engineering challenge and my spine tingles from just thinking about it. + - I just feel it in my bones that I *have* to do this. + - And when I work on this, the whole universe turns silent. + - There is just me, my tools, and the metal. + - It's bliss. + - Thanks for caring. I appreciate it. + - goto: projects + - Good luck with that!: + - Luck! Hah! Gonna reroll the dice until I get a 20. + - goto: mainnode + - goto: timeout + - Good luck with that!: + - Luck! Hah! Gonna reroll the dice until I get a 20. + - goto: mainnode + - goto: timeout +- What brings you here?: + - if $thinking: + - As said, I don't like people. + - if ~$thinking: + - Well, uh... + - set: thinking + - How should I put this? Don't take it personally, but... + - I really don't like people. + - I'm happy to help you, don't get me wrong. + - But... not really because I care about you. + - I enjoy the challenge of fixing, mending, creating. + - Humans in general, though, ravage and exploit. + - It's in their nature, and I can't stand it. + - I just want to get away. From all this insanity, triviality, stupor... + - Just want to create, without anyone standing in my way. + - goto: mainnode - Bye!: - - See you around! + - So long, drifter! - goto: EXIT -- goto: mainnode +- label: timeout +- Hm? Is your transmitter borked? --- diff --git a/src/data/defs.txt b/src/data/defs.txt index 014dd39..d45a7e4 100644 --- a/src/data/defs.txt +++ b/src/data/defs.txt @@ -279,12 +279,24 @@ actor 700 -100 -1100 suitv2 chatid Luna angularmomentum 0 0 0 wants maxrotation 0 - wants matchvelocitywith pizzeria + wants maxvelocity none rotationy 108 rotationx 180 pronoun he scene 22 0 0 workshop relativeto Luna + actor -20 10 -23 MeteorAceGT + name "MeteorAceGTā„¢" + relativeto Luna + scale 5 + vehicle yes + collider mesh + thrust 50.25 9.84 6.765 10000 5 + engine ion + camdistance 50 + density 500 + angularmomentum 0 0 0.2 + pointofinterest yes actor -9 4 11 lightorb relativeto Luna name "Light Orb"