actor 0 0 0 jupiter id jupiter radius 71492e3 sphere yes physics off rotationx -0.50 rotationz -0.28 angularmomentum 30 30 30 actor 0 593051 0 suit relativeto jupiter orbit 220800e3 0.66 player yes id player mass 200.0 scale 1 oxygen 0.008 health 0.3 angularmomentum 0 0 0 collider capsule 2 1 thrust 1.2 1 1 300 1.5 rotationy 0.65 engine monopropellant actor 10 -30 20 MeteorAceGT relativeto player scale 5 vehicle yes thrust 70 13.7 9.4 200000 20 engine ion collider sphere 1.5 camdistance 50 mass 3000 angularmomentum 0.1 0.1 0.3 actor 0 0 0 io relativeto jupiter orbit 421700e3 0.65 radius 1822e3 rotationy -0.40 angularmomentum 0 0.0001 0 sphere yes moon yes physics off actor 0 0 0 europa relativeto jupiter orbit 670900e3 0.35 radius 1561e3 rotationy 0.20 angularmomentum 0 0.0001 0 sphere yes moon yes physics off actor 0 0 0 ganymede relativeto jupiter orbit 1070400e3 0.93 radius 2634e3 rotationy -0.40 angularmomentum 0 0.0001 0 sphere yes moon yes physics off actor 0 0 0 callisto relativeto jupiter orbit 1882700e3 0.45 radius 2410e3 rotationy -0.40 angularmomentum 0 0.0001 0 sphere yes moon yes physics off actor 0 0 0 moonlet relativeto jupiter id thebe orbit 221900e3 0.66 scale 50e3 mass 100000 angularmomentum 0 0.25 0 actor 3000 0 0 moonlet relativeto player scale 500 mass 10000000 angularmomentum 0 0.15 0 actor 1000 20 300 monolith relativeto player scale 2 mass 1000 rotationx 0.5 angularmomentum 0.0 0.0 0.01 actor 10000 2000 -3500 monolith relativeto player scale 2 mass 1000 rotationx 0.5 angularmomentum 0.0 0.0 0.01 actor -8000 -1000 -100 monolith relativeto player scale 2 mass 1000 rotationx 0.5 angularmomentum 0.0 0.0 0.01 actor -3300 10 0 pizzeria relativeto player id pizzeria scale 40 mass 1000000 rotationy 0.30 angularmomentum 0 0 0 actor -120 0 20 MeteorAceGT relativeto pizzeria scale 5 vehicle yes thrust 70 13.7 9.4 200000 20 engine ion collider sphere 1.5 camdistance 50 mass 3000 angularmomentum 0 0 0.2 actor -100 63 -13 pizzasign relativeto pizzeria scale 20 mass 200 rotationy 0.45 angularmomentum 0 0 0 actor -16 -10 0 lightorb relativeto pizzeria scale 0.5 light FF8F4A 1000000 actor -14 -3 -2 lightorb relativeto pizzeria scale 0.5 light FF8F4A 1000000 actor -30 0 0 suit relativeto pizzeria name "Space Pizza™" chatid pizzeria mass 200.0 alive yes angularmomentum 0.02 0.03 0.01 pronoun it chat pizzeria name "Space Pizza™" msg 4 INIT cool "Welcome to Space Pizza™, best pizza around the Main Ring!" msg 4 cool order "Great to see a customer, we don't get many lately" msg 50 order special "Would you like to order today's special?" choice 3 special whatsthespecial "What's the special?" msg 4 whatsthespecial pineapple "Suspicious Spacefunghi" msg 4 pineapple smoothie "With free pineapple imiation" msg 7 smoothie tube "Our pizza smoothies are freshly blended every day" choice 3 tube wtftube "Wait... pizza smoothie?" msg 6 wtftube anyway "Huh? Of course, smoothie! How else do you want to get that pizza down your spacesuit feeding tube?" msg 6 anyway pass "An emulsion of deliciousness!" msg 30 tube pass "Deliciousness for your spacesuit feeding tube!" choice 3 pass yourloss "I think I'll pass..." msg 3 yourloss end "Your loss, mate" msg 3 pass prank "Hey? Are you still there?" choice 3 special carved "Wh... what's a pizzeria doing here?" msg 6 carved work "Hah, beautiful, right? I carved it out this asteroid myself!" msg 7 work nowwannaorder "You know how much work it was to neutralize the rotation of the asteroid, so my valued customers don't bang against the walls while drinking my pizza?" msg 20 nowwannaorder special "Now would you like today's special or not?" choice 3 special ohno "My head hurts, my suit leaks, I think I'm dying..." msg 20 ohno pressok "Seriously? Let me have a look. Just press the 'Grant Access' button please." choice 3 pressok virus "[GRANT ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]" msg 3 virus bitcoin "MALWARE DETECTED" lvl warn msg 6 bitcoin wtf "BITCOIN MINER DETECTED" lvl warn choice 5 wtf justchecking "Hey, what are you doing with me?" msg 6 justchecking suitfucked "Just checking your systems, hang on tight" msg 5 suitfucked wtfanyway "Yeah, suit's fucked, I'd look out for a repair shop" msg 5 wtf wtfanyway "Yeah, suit's fucked, I'd look out for a repair shop" msg 5 wtfanyway special "Anyway, wanna order today's special?" choice 3 pressok deny "[DENY ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]" msg 5 deny pressok2 "Oh come on, do you want my help or not?" choice 3 pressok2 virus "[GRANT ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]" choice 3 pressok2 deny2 "[DENY ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]" choice 3 pressok2 deny2 "Fuck off!" msg 2 deny2 end "Great, the first customer in ages, and they're brain damaged..." msg 3 pressok2 prank "Hey? Are you still there?" msg 3 pressok prank "Hey? Are you still there?" msg 3 special prank "Hey? Are you still there?" msg 4 prank end "This a prank?" msg 0 end EXIT "Disconnected." lvl info actor 10 0 70 suit relativeto player name Icarus chatid hi_icarus alive yes mass 200.0 collider capsule 2 1 pronoun it chat hi_icarus name Icarus msg 4 INIT hi1 "Oh hey, you're awake!" msg 6 hi1 hi2 "I found you drifting out cold, and watched over you, hoping you'd get better." msg 40 hi2 hireply "I carried you here, behind the moonlet, to shield you from the micros." choice 1 hireply thx "Thank you!" msg 6 thx feeling "No worries. Folks are stretched thin around this corner, we gotta watch out for each other." msg 40 feeling howru "How are you feeling?" choice 1 hireply didntask "Eh... I didn't ask for this." msg 6 didntask problem "Sure, 'cause you were unconscious. I just did what felt right. Is there a problem?" choice 1 problem thx "Nevermind. Thank you." choice 1 problem end "Leave me alone!" choice 1 hireply micros "Micros? What's that?" msg 40 micros microsexplained "Micrometeorites. Those tiny 混蛋 that fly right through you, leaving holes in your suit. And your body." choice 1 microsexplained thx "Ouch! Thank you so much." choice 1 microsexplained didntask "Whatever... I didn't ask for this." msg 40 microsexplained howru "How are you feeling?" msg 40 hireply howru "How are you feeling?" choice 1 howru good1 "I feel quite cozy, this space suit feels like a second skin." msg 4 good1 good2 "Hah, it does, doesn't it?" msg 4 good2 good3 "But take care, your suit seems to be leaking. I'd patch it up if I were you." msg 4 good3 good4 "I'm all out of SuitPatch™ SuperGlue™ right now, otherwise i'd share." msg 40 good4 canihelp "Can I help you with anything else, maybe?" choice 1 howru headache1 "I got this apocalyptic headache..." msg 4 headache1 headache2 "Heh, probably related to why you were passed out." msg 4 headache2 headache3 "Go easy on yourself, I'm sure things will turn for the better." msg 40 headache3 canihelp "Meanwhile, can I help you with anything?" choice 1 howru disoriented "I... don't know, I'm pretty disoriented." msg 40 disoriented canihelp "Oh no. Do you need a lowdown on reality?" choice 1 canihelp where1 "Where are we?" msg 4 where1 where2 "This is space, my friend." msg 4 where2 where3 "That massive crescent over there, that's Juptiter." msg 4 where3 where4 "We're about 150,000km away from it, on the very outside of it's rings." msg 4 where4 where5 "This area is called the Thebe gossamer ring." msg 4 where5 where6 "The moon Thebe is actually pretty close right now, flinging all those micros at us." choice 4 where6 where6micros "Micros? What's that?" msg 4 where6micros canihelp "Micrometeorites. Those tiny 混蛋 that fly right through you, leaving holes in your suit. And your body." msg 4 where6 canihelp "Anything else?" choice 1 canihelp year1 "What year is this?" msg 4 year1 year2 "Oh, is your Augmented Reality deactivated?" msg 4 year2 canihelp "Push the TAB button, your space suit's AR will show you the date and time." choice 1 canihelp why1 "Why am I here?" msg 4 why1 why2 "That's a very philosophical question." msg 4 why2 why3 "I don't know." msg 4 why3 canihelp "It's probably related to the choices you made so far." choice 1 canihelp whatnow1 "What should I do?" msg 4 whatnow1 whatnow2 "Ah, that's the beauty of life." msg 4 whatnow2 whatnow3 "You can just do whatever you want." msg 6 whatnow3 whatnow4 "So long as you have the means, and respect people's boundaries." msg 4 whatnow4 whatnow5 "I'm here mostly for the view and the peace." msg 4 whatnow5 whatnow6 "Just look at Jupiter, it's mesmerizing, isn't it?" msg 7 whatnow6 whatnow7 "So far away from everything, nobody expects anything from you." msg 6 whatnow7 whatnow8 "If you want, you can take my MeteorAce™ for a ride. It's right over there." msg 4 whatnow8 whatnow9 "It rides like a punch in the face, don't hurt yourself, ok?" choice 1 whatnow9 whatnow9tookind "You're too kind!" msg 4 whatnow9tookind whatnow10 "Ah, don't mention it!" msg 4 whatnow10 canihelp "There's also a half-decent pizza restaurant over there, look for the neon sign." choice 1 canihelp money1 "Do you have some money for me?" msg 40 money1 money2 "Huh? What is money?" choice 1 money2 money2currency "Currency? Flat round things that you can exchange for goods and services?" msg 4 money2currency money2currency2 "Uhm... are you talking about pizza?" msg 4 money2currency2 money2currency3 "I don't have any pizza with me right now." msg 4 money2currency3 canihelp "But there's a pizza place right over there, look for the neon sign." msg 4 money2 canihelp "Well, anyway, need anything else?" choice 1 canihelp chocolate "I think I'm good for now" msg 4 canihelp chocolate "I guess not." choice 1 howru alone "I just want to be alone right now" msg 4 alone end_pizza "Oh, sure. Ping me if you need anything. I'll go back to playing my VR game." msg 4 howru chocolate "Well, I hope you're ok." msg 40 chocolate wantchocolate "I some left-over instant hot chocolate, would you like some?" choice 1 wantchocolate yeschocolate "Oh yes! Please!" msg 4 yeschocolate chocolatehere "Here you go, my friend!" msg 4 chocolatehere pizza "Received 1x ChuggaChug™ Instant Hot Chocolate" lvl info msg 4 wantchocolate pizza "I guess not. Well. I think I'll go back to playing my VR game. Ping me if you need anything." msg 10 pizza end_pizza "Oh and make sure to check out the pizza place!" choice 1 end_pizza end2 "Will do, bye!" msg 0 end2 EXIT "Disconnected." lvl info msg 0 end_pizza EXIT "Disconnected." lvl info msg 0 end EXIT "Disconnected." lvl info actor -300 0 40 suit relativeto player id drifter name "Drifter" chatid drifter oxygen 0.08 mass 200.0 collider capsule 2 1 chat drifter name "Drifter" msg 2 INIT dead "Error: No response" lvl info msg 15 dead outcold "No life signs detected" lvl info choice 0 outcold EXIT "Damn, it's gotta be moldy in that suit. How long has it been drifting?" choice 0 outcold EXIT "Harvest some oxygen" script refilloxygen 1 drifter msg 0 outcold EXIT "" chat error name ERROR msg 0 INIT EXIT "Unspecified conversation ID"