
655 lines
24 KiB

use crate::{actor, audio, camera, chat, nature, var, world};
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::diagnostic::{DiagnosticsStore, FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin};
use bevy::transform::TransformSystem;
use bevy_xpbd_3d::prelude::*;
use bevy::math::DVec3;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::time::SystemTime;
pub const HUD_REFRESH_TIME: f32 = 0.1;
pub const FONT: &str = "fonts/Yupiter-Regular.ttf";
pub const LOG_MAX: usize = 4;
pub const LOG_MAX_TIME_S: f64 = 15.0;
pub const LOG_MAX_ROWS: usize = 30;
pub const AMBIENT_LIGHT: f32 = 0.0; // Space is DARK
pub const AMBIENT_LIGHT_AR: f32 = 15.0;
//pub const REPLY_NUMBERS: [char; 10] = ['❶', '❷', '❸', '❹', '❺', '❻', '❼', '❽', '❾', '⓿'];
//pub const REPLY_NUMBERS: [char; 10] = ['①', '②', '③', '④', '⑤', '⑥', '⑦', '⑧', '⑨', '⑩'];
pub const REPLY_NUMBERS: [char; 10] = ['➀', '➁', '➂', '➃', '➄', '➅', '➆', '➇', '➈', '➉'];
pub struct HudPlugin;
impl Plugin for HudPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
app.add_systems(Startup, setup);
app.add_systems(Update, (
app.add_systems(PostUpdate, (
app.insert_resource(AugmentedRealityState {
overlays_visible: false,
app.insert_resource(Log {
logs: VecDeque::with_capacity(LOG_MAX),
needs_rerendering: true,
Timer::from_seconds(HUD_REFRESH_TIME, TimerMode::Repeating)));
#[derive(Event)] pub struct TargetEvent(pub Option<Entity>);
#[derive(Component)] struct GaugesText;
#[derive(Component)] struct ChatText;
#[derive(Component)] struct Reticule;
#[derive(Component)] struct ToggleableHudElement;
#[derive(Component)] struct OnlyHideWhenTogglingHud;
#[derive(Component)] struct Selectagon;
#[derive(Component)] pub struct IsTargeted;
pub struct AugmentedRealityState {
pub overlays_visible: bool,
#[derive(Component)] pub struct AugmentedRealityOverlayBroadcaster;
pub struct AugmentedRealityOverlay {
pub owner: Entity,
struct FPSUpdateTimer(Timer);
pub enum LogLevel {
struct Message {
text: String,
sender: String,
level: LogLevel,
time: f64,
impl Message {
pub fn get_freshness(&self) -> f64 {
if let Ok(epoch) = SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
return (1.0 - (epoch.as_secs_f64() - self.time) / LOG_MAX_TIME_S).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
return 1.0;
pub struct IsClickable {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub distance: Option<f64>,
impl Default for IsClickable { fn default() -> Self { Self {
name: None,
distance: None,
pub struct Log {
logs: VecDeque<Message>,
needs_rerendering: bool,
impl Log {
pub fn info(&mut self, message: String) {
self.add(message, "System".to_string(), LogLevel::Info);
pub fn chat(&mut self, message: String, sender: String) {
self.add(message, sender, LogLevel::Chat);
pub fn warning(&mut self, message: String) {
self.add(message, "WARNING".to_string(), LogLevel::Warning);
pub fn notice(&mut self, message: String) {
self.add(message, "".to_string(), LogLevel::Notice);
pub fn add(&mut self, text: String, sender: String, level: LogLevel) {
if self.logs.len() == LOG_MAX {
if let Ok(epoch) = SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
self.logs.push_back(Message {
time: epoch.as_secs_f64(),
self.needs_rerendering = true;
pub fn remove_old(&mut self) {
if let Some(message) = self.logs.front() {
if let Ok(epoch) = SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
if epoch.as_secs_f64() - message.time > LOG_MAX_TIME_S {
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
settings: Res<var::Settings>,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut log: ResMut<Log>,
mut ambient_light: ResMut<AmbientLight>,
) {
log.notice("Resuming from suspend".to_string());
log.notice("WARNING: Oxygen Low".to_string());
let visibility = if settings.hud_active {
} else {
let style = TextStyle {
font: asset_server.load(FONT),
font_size: settings.font_size_hud,
color: Color::GRAY,
let mut bundle_fps = TextBundle::from_sections([
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("\n氧 OXYGEN ", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("\nProximity 警告 ", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("\nSuit Integrity ", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("\nVitals ", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()), // Target
]).with_style(Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: Val::VMin(2.0),
right: Val::VMin(3.0),
bundle_fps.visibility = visibility;
// Add Chat Box
let bundle_chatbox = TextBundle::from_sections([
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("", style.clone()),
]).with_style(Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: Val::VMin(0.0),
left: Val::VMin(0.0),
NodeBundle {
style: Style {
width: Val::Percent(45.0),
align_items: AlignItems::Start,
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: Val::VMin(2.0),
left: Val::VMin(3.0),
)).with_children(|parent| {
NodeBundle {
style: Style {
width: Val::Px(2.0),
height: Val::Px(2.0),
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: Val::Vh(50.0),
left: Val::Vw(50.0),
background_color: Color::rgb(0.4, 0.4, 0.6).into(),
// Selectagon
SceneBundle {
scene: asset_server.load(world::asset_name_to_path("selectagon")),
visibility: Visibility::Hidden,
// AR-related things
ambient_light.brightness = if settings.hud_active {
} else {
fn update_hud(
diagnostics: Res<DiagnosticsStore>,
time: Res<Time>,
mut log: ResMut<Log>,
player: Query<(&actor::HitPoints, &actor::Suit, &actor::ExperiencesGForce), With<actor::Player>>,
q_camera: Query<(&Position, &LinearVelocity), With<actor::PlayerCamera>>,
mut timer: ResMut<FPSUpdateTimer>,
mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<GaugesText>>,
q_choices: Query<&chat::Choice>,
mut query_chat: Query<&mut Text, (With<ChatText>, Without<GaugesText>)>,
query_all_actors: Query<&actor::Actor>,
settings: Res<var::Settings>,
q_target: Query<(&IsClickable, Option<&Position>, Option<&LinearVelocity>), With<IsTargeted>>,
) {
// TODO only when hud is actually on
if timer.0.tick(time.delta()).just_finished() || log.needs_rerendering {
let q_camera_result = q_camera.get_single();
let player = player.get_single();
let mut freshest_line: f64 = 0.0;
if player.is_ok() && q_camera_result.is_ok() {
let (hp, suit, gforce) = player.unwrap();
let (pos, cam_v) = q_camera_result.unwrap();
for mut text in &mut query {
text.sections[0].value = format!("2524-03-12 03:02");
if let Some(fps) = diagnostics.get(&FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin::FPS) {
if let Some(value) = fps.smoothed() {
// Update the value of the second section
text.sections[4].value = format!("{value:.0}");
let power = suit.power / suit.power_max * 100.0;
text.sections[2].value = format!("{power:}%");
let oxy_percent = suit.oxygen / suit.oxygen_max * 100.0;
// the remaining oxygen hud info ignores leaking suits from low integrity
if suit.oxygen > nature::OXY_H {
let oxy_hour = suit.oxygen / nature::OXY_H;
text.sections[7].value = format!("{oxy_percent:.1}% [lasts {oxy_hour:.1} hours]");
text.sections[7].style.color = Color::GRAY;
} else {
let oxy_min = suit.oxygen / nature::OXY_M;
text.sections[7].value = format!("{oxy_percent:.1}% [lasts {oxy_min:.1} min]");
text.sections[7].style.color = Color::MAROON;
//let adrenaline = lifeform.adrenaline * 990.0 + 10.0;
//text.sections[11].value = format!("{adrenaline:.0}pg/mL");
let vitals = 100.0 * hp.current / hp.max;
text.sections[13].value = format!("{vitals:.0}%");
if vitals < 50.0 {
text.sections[13].style.color = Color::MAROON;
} else {
text.sections[13].style.color = Color::GRAY;
let all_actors = query_all_actors.iter().len();
text.sections[9].value = format!("{all_actors:.0}");
let integrity = suit.integrity * 100.0;
text.sections[11].value = format!("{integrity:.0}%");
if integrity < 50.0 {
text.sections[11].style.color = Color::MAROON;
} else {
text.sections[11].style.color = Color::GRAY;
//text.sections[17].value = format!("{speed_readable}/s / {kmh:.0}km/h / {gforce:.1}g");
// Target display
let dist_scalar: f64;
if let Ok((IsClickable { distance: Some(dist), .. }, _, _)) = q_target.get_single() {
dist_scalar = *dist;
else {
let target: Option<DVec3>;
if let Ok((_, Some(targetpos), _)) = q_target.get_single() {
target = Some(targetpos.0);
else if q_target.is_empty() {
target = Some(DVec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
else {
target = None;
if let Some(target_pos) = target {
let dist = pos.0 - target_pos;
dist_scalar = dist.length();
else {
dist_scalar = 0.0;
let dev_speed = if settings.dev_mode {
let x = pos.x;
let y = pos.y;
let z = pos.z;
} else {
let gforce = gforce.gforce;
if let Ok((clickable, _, target_v_maybe)) = q_target.get_single() {
let distance = if dist_scalar.is_nan() {
} else if dist_scalar != 0.0 {
} else {
let speed: f64 = if let Some(target_v) = target_v_maybe {
(target_v.0 - cam_v.0).length()
} else {
let speed_readable = nature::readable_distance(speed);
let target_name = clickable.name.clone().unwrap_or("Unnamed".to_string());
text.sections[14].value = format!("\n\nTarget: {target_name}\nDistance: {distance}\nΔv {speed_readable}/s + {gforce:.1}g{dev_speed}");
else {
let speed = cam_v.length();
let speed_readable = nature::readable_distance(speed);
text.sections[14].value = format!("\nv {speed_readable}/s + {gforce:.1}g{dev_speed}");
if let Ok(mut chat) = query_chat.get_single_mut() {
let mut row = 0;
let bright = Color::rgb(0.8, 0.75, 0.78);
// Chat Log and System Log
let logfilter = if settings.hud_active {
|_msg: &&Message| { true }
} else {
|msg: &&Message| { match msg.level {
LogLevel::Chat => true,
LogLevel::Warning => true,
LogLevel::Info => true,
_ => false
let mut messages: Vec<&Message> = log.logs.iter()
for msg in &messages {
if msg.sender.is_empty() {
chat.sections[row].value = msg.text.clone() + "\n";
else {
chat.sections[row].value = format!("{}: {}\n", msg.sender, msg.text);
let freshness = msg.get_freshness();
let clr: f32 = (freshness.powf(1.5) as f32).clamp(0.1, 1.0);
freshest_line = freshest_line.max(freshness);
chat.sections[row].style.color = Color::rgba(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, clr);
row += 1;
// Highlight most recent line if in a conversation
if row > 0 && (q_choices.is_empty() || freshest_line > 0.5) {
chat.sections[row-1].style.color = bright;
// Add padding between chat and choices
chat.sections[row].value = "\n".to_string();
row += 1;
// Choices
let mut choices: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let mut count = 0;
for choice in &q_choices {
if count > 9 {
let press_this = REPLY_NUMBERS[choice.key];
let reply = &choice.text;
//let recipient = &choice.recipient;
// TODO: indicate recipients if there's more than one
choices.push(format!("{press_this} {reply}"));
count += 1;
if count < 4 {
for _padding in 0..(4-count) {
choices.push(" ".to_string());
for choice in choices {
chat.sections[row].value = choice + "\n";
chat.sections[row].style.color = bright;
row += 1;
// Blank the remaining rows
while row < LOG_MAX_ROWS {
chat.sections[row].value = "".to_string();
row += 1;
log.needs_rerendering = false;
if q_choices.is_empty() && freshest_line < 0.2 {
fn handle_input(
keyboard_input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mouse_input: Res<ButtonInput<MouseButton>>,
mut settings: ResMut<var::Settings>,
mut q_hud: Query<(&mut Visibility, Option<&OnlyHideWhenTogglingHud>), With<ToggleableHudElement>>,
mut ew_sfx: EventWriter<audio::PlaySfxEvent>,
mut ew_togglemusic: EventWriter<audio::ToggleMusicEvent>,
mut ew_target: EventWriter<TargetEvent>,
mut ambient_light: ResMut<AmbientLight>,
q_objects: Query<(Entity, &Transform), (With<IsClickable>, Without<IsTargeted>, Without<actor::PlayerDrivesThis>, Without<actor::Player>)>,
q_camera: Query<&Transform, With<Camera>>,
) {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(settings.key_togglehud) {
if settings.hud_active {
for (mut hudelement_visibility, _) in q_hud.iter_mut() {
*hudelement_visibility = Visibility::Hidden;
settings.hud_active = false;
ambient_light.brightness = AMBIENT_LIGHT;
else {
for (mut hudelement_visibility, only_hide) in q_hud.iter_mut() {
if only_hide.is_none() {
*hudelement_visibility = Visibility::Inherited;
settings.hud_active = true;
ambient_light.brightness = AMBIENT_LIGHT_AR;
if settings.hud_active && mouse_input.just_pressed(settings.key_selectobject) {
if let Ok(camtrans) = q_camera.get_single() {
let objects: Vec<(Entity, &Transform)> = q_objects.iter().collect();
if let (Some(new_target), _dist) = camera::find_closest_target::<Entity>(objects, camtrans) {
else {
fn handle_target_event(
mut commands: Commands,
settings: Res<var::Settings>,
mut er_target: EventReader<TargetEvent>,
mut ew_sfx: EventWriter<audio::PlaySfxEvent>,
q_target: Query<Entity, With<IsTargeted>>,
) {
let mut play_sfx = false;
for TargetEvent(target) in er_target.read() {
for old_target in &q_target {
play_sfx = true;
if let Some(entity) = target {
play_sfx = true;
if play_sfx && !settings.mute_sfx {
break; // Only accept a single event per frame
fn update_target_selectagon(
settings: Res<var::Settings>,
mut q_selectagon: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut Visibility), (With<Selectagon>, Without<IsTargeted>, Without<Camera>)>,
q_target: Query<&Transform, (With<IsTargeted>, Without<Camera>, Without<Selectagon>)>,
q_camera: Query<&Transform, (With<Camera>, Without<IsTargeted>, Without<Selectagon>)>,
) {
if !settings.hud_active || q_camera.is_empty() {
let camera_trans = q_camera.get_single().unwrap();
if let Ok((mut selectagon_trans, mut selectagon_vis)) = q_selectagon.get_single_mut() {
if let Ok(target_trans) = q_target.get_single() {
match *selectagon_vis {
Visibility::Hidden => { *selectagon_vis = Visibility::Visible; },
_ => {}
selectagon_trans.translation = target_trans.translation;
selectagon_trans.scale = target_trans.scale;
selectagon_trans.rotation = Quat::from_rotation_arc(Vec3::Z, (-selectagon_trans.translation).normalize());
// Enlarge Selectagon to a minimum angular diameter
let (angular_diameter, _, _) = camera::calc_angular_diameter(
&selectagon_trans, camera_trans);
let min_angular_diameter = 2.0f32.to_radians();
if angular_diameter < min_angular_diameter {
selectagon_trans.scale *= min_angular_diameter / angular_diameter;
else {
match *selectagon_vis {
Visibility::Hidden => {},
_ => { *selectagon_vis = Visibility::Hidden; }
fn update_ar_overlays (
q_owners: Query<(Entity, &Transform, &Visibility), (With<AugmentedRealityOverlayBroadcaster>, Without<AugmentedRealityOverlay>)>,
mut q_overlays: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut Visibility, &mut AugmentedRealityOverlay)>,
settings: ResMut<var::Settings>,
mut state: ResMut<AugmentedRealityState>,
) {
let (need_activate, need_clean, need_update);
if settings.hud_active {
need_activate = !state.overlays_visible;
need_clean = false;
else {
need_activate = false;
need_clean = state.overlays_visible;
need_update = settings.hud_active;
state.overlays_visible = settings.hud_active;
if need_update || need_clean || need_activate {
for (mut trans, mut vis, ar) in &mut q_overlays {
for (owner_id, owner_trans, owner_vis) in &q_owners {
if owner_id == ar.owner {
*trans = *owner_trans;
if need_clean {
*vis = Visibility::Hidden;
else {
*vis = *owner_vis;