A wholesome 3D space game in the rings of Jupiter https://codeberg.org/outfly/outfly
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assets Revert "fix collisions with light orbs (orange only)" 2024-07-11 22:44:56 +02:00
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OutFly Screenshot

FeaturesTutorialControlsRunning OutFlyTroubleshooting


License: GPL 3.0 Powered by Bevy Available on itch.io Donate on Liberapay Follow on Mastodon

OutFly is an atmospheric, open world, realistic 3D space game that throws you into the Rings of Jupiter with a self-sufficient sportswear space suit that will take you anywhere.

Imagine a blend of Fallout and Outer Wilds, where you are free to explore the breathtaking expanse of the Jupiter system and discover what life could be like after hundreds of years of space colonization.

This game aims to respect the player as much as possible. It doesn't waste your time: Despite the vastness of space, nothing takes too long. Speed cheats are active by default, allowing you to visit places you normally couldn't, without passing out from the g-forces. There are no anxiety-causing features (apart of, maybe, space itself), no loading screens, nothing to micromanage, not even save games. You can plunge into the game any time you feel like it, and it's up to you whether you just want to soak in the beautiful scenery, engage with the survival mechanics [still in development], or dive into the game story [still in development]. And finally, it's not just DRM-free but completely open source, allowing you to tinker on any part of the game to your liking.

Source code: https://codeberg.org/outfly/outfly


  • A beautiful, serene atmosphere with gorgeous views
  • Racing vehicles, unique NPCs, cozy places, deadly environment
  • Accurate, clickable star chart. Can you spot the constellations?
  • Cross platform, free & open source forever!
  • Written in Rust with the Bevy game engine
  • Status: Early access, not much content


OutFly has typical game controls like mouse movement, A/W/S/D for horizontal movement, Ctrl/Shift for vertical movement. But in space, there is no friction to slow you down after the movement. You just keep on moving, until you hit something or accelerate in the opposite direction.

The SPACE key helps you move more intuitively by slowing you down. Hold it for a while to come to a halt. Combine it with movement keys for slower, more precise movement. You can also click to select another object and then hold the SPACE key to match your velocity to the target object. Essential for spaceflight!

When you're ready, take a look around, explore the starting area. There is a friendly person floating nearby in a red space suit that would love to talk to you.

The game is dark. After all, space is dark. The planets and moons orbit in real time, the map changes depending on when you play, and if you're unlucky, you start in the shadow of Jupiter and everything's even darker! Try the flashlight (f key), turning off shadows in the menu, and make sure that Augmented Reality is on (TAB key) which gives you a little extra light amplification.

Press Esc for the menu to restart the game if you get lost, explore more key bindings, game features, and the achievements to get some guidance on what you can do in the game.

But in the end, OutFly is an open world game with no true goals other than the ones you set for yourself. Just lean back, get cozy, and drift towards whatever catches your eye :)


Press ESC to view these any time from the in-game menu.

  • Space: Slow down, match velocity
  • E: Interact
  • F: Flashlight
  • Q: Exit vehicle
  • M: Map
  • C: Camera
  • T: Cruise control
  • R: Rotate (hold + move mouse)
  • Y: Rotation stabilizer
  • AWSD/Shift/Ctrl: Move
  • J/K/U/L/I/O: Rotate
  • F11: Fullscreen
  • Tab: Toggle Augmented Reality
  • Left click: Target objects (in AR only)
  • Right click: Zoom


  • G: Toggle cheats + invulnerability
  • V/B: Impossible acceleration
  • Shift+V/B: Extreme acceleration
  • X: Teleport to target
  • Z: Stop

Running OutFly

System Requirements

  • Screen/keyboard/mouse
  • Operating System: Linux, Windows, Mac
  • A graphics card with vulkan support

Running on Linux

  1. Download and unpack the latest release: https://codeberg.org/outfly/outfly/releases
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you unpacked outfly
  3. If you are on ArchLinux, type the following commands. For other distributions, replace "pacman -S" with the distro's command to install packages. Also, the packages may be called slightly differently.
pacman -S glibc libcap gcc-libs alsa-lib systemd-libs

Alternatively, you can also install OutFly as a package, if your distribution has one. This will place OutFly in your "start menu". As of writing, only an ArchLinux AUR package exists, which you can install with this command:

yay -S outfly-git

See also: build instructions

Running on Windows

  1. Download and unpack the latest release: https://codeberg.org/outfly/outfly/releases
  2. Double-click on OutFly.exe

Running on MacOS / Android / iOS

No releases for these operating systems exist yet. For MacOS, you can build OutFly yourself using the build instructions. Support for Android/iOS is planned for the future.


I'm stuck inside another object

Try turning on God Mode and using one of the speed cheats, that should get you out.

My GPU doesn't support Vulkan!

Try running outfly with the command-line option "--gl", with one of these commands:

./outfly --gl
cargo run -- --gl

This will result in some visual glitches, reduced performance, as well as a lot of error messages about CubeArrays which you can safely ignore. You can alternatively achieve this by setting the environment variable WGPU_BACKEND to gl: WPU_BACKEND=gl ./outfly.

The game instantly crashes!

Try changing the full screen mode with the command line option "--fs-legacy":

./outfly --fs-legacy
cargo run -- --fs-legacy

If this doesn't work, please open an issue on https://codeberg.org/outfly/outfly and provide as many details as you can, including the crash log.

Crash with "error while loading shared libraries"

If you build with --features dev, then you must not run the game ./outfly. Use cargo run instead.

The assets can't be found

If you build without the "embed_assets" feature, the asset folder must be in the same path as the outfly binary. Possible solutions are to symlink the assets directory into the target/$yourtarget/ folder, to instead run with cargo run, or to compile with "--features embed_assets" (which is enabled by default).

I'm on Windows. How do I use command line options?

Create a shortcut, change the target from [...]outfly.exe to e.g. [...]outfly.exe --gl.

See https://superuser.com/questions/1202989/how-to-you-add-a-parameter-to-an-executable-in-windows-10