2024-03-21 05:32:39 +01:00

99 lines
4.8 KiB

actor 300000 0 500000 jupiter
scale 80000
rotationy -1.40
angularmomentum 0 0.0001 0
actor 3000 0 0 moonlet
scale 500
angularmomentum 0 0.0001 0
actor -3300 10 0 pizzeria
scale 40
rotationy -0.25
angularmomentum 0 0 0
actor -3400 73 -13 pizzasign
scale 20
rotationy 0.45
angularmomentum 0.00001 0 0.0003
actor -3295 3 -32 suit
name "Space Pizza™"
chatid pizzeria
alive yes
pronoun it
chat pizzeria
name "Space Pizza™"
msg 2 INIT hi "Requesting permission to communicate..."
lvl info
msg 6 hi cool "Welcome to Space Pizza™, best pizza around the Main Ring!"
msg 6 cool order "Great to see a customer, we don't get many lately"
msg 10 order special "Would you like to order today's special?"
choice 3 special whatsthespecial "What's the special?"
msg 4 whatsthespecial pineapple "Suspicious Spacefunghi"
msg 4 pineapple smoothie "With free pineapple imiation"
msg 6 smoothie tube "Our pizza smoothies are freshly blended every day"
choice 3 tube wtftube "Wait... pizza smoothie?"
msg 6 wtftube anyway "Huh? Of course, smoothie! How else do you want to get that pizza down your spacesuit feeding tube?"
msg 6 anyway pass "An emulsion of deliciousness!"
msg 20 tube pass "Deliciousness for your spacesuit feeding tube!"
choice 3 pass yourloss "I think I'll pass..."
msg 3 yourloss end "Your loss, mate"
msg 3 pass prank "Hey? Are you still there?"
choice 3 special gottaeat "Wh... what's a pizzeria doing here?"
msg 3 gottaeat nowwannaorder "Hah, beautiful, right? I carved it out this asteroid myself!"
msg 20 nowwannaorder special "Now would you like today's special or not?"
choice 3 special ohno "My head hurts, my suit leaks, I think I'm dying..."
msg 20 ohno pressok "Seriously? Let me have a look. Just press the 'Grant Access' button please."
choice 3 pressok virus "[GRANT ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]"
msg 3 virus bitcoin "MALWARE DETECTED"
lvl warn
msg 6 bitcoin wtf "BITCOIN MINER DETECTED"
lvl warn
choice 5 wtf justchecking "Hey, what are you doing with me?"
msg 6 justchecking suitfucked "Just checking your systems, hang on tight"
msg 5 suitfucked wtfanyway "Yeah, suit's fucked, I'd look out for a repair shop"
msg 5 wtf wtfanyway "Yeah, suit's fucked, I'd look out for a repair shop"
msg 5 wtfanyway special "Anyway, wanna order today's special?"
choice 3 pressok deny "[DENY ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]"
msg 5 deny pressok2 "Oh come on, do you want my help or not?"
choice 3 pressok2 virus "[GRANT ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]"
choice 3 pressok2 deny2 "[DENY ACCESS TO SPACESUIT WIFI]"
choice 3 pressok2 deny2 "Fuck off!"
msg 2 deny2 end "Great, the first customer in ages, and they're brain damaged..."
msg 3 pressok2 prank "Hey? Are you still there?"
msg 3 pressok prank "Hey? Are you still there?"
msg 3 special prank "Hey? Are you still there?"
msg 4 prank end "This a prank?"
msg 0 end EXIT "Disconnected."
lvl info
actor -50 0 0 suit
name Icarus
chatid hi_icarus
alive yes
pronoun it
chat hi_icarus
name Icarus
msg 2 INIT hi "Requesting permission to communicate..."
lvl info
msg 4 hi vr "Oh hey there!"
choice 3 vr vr1 "Uhm... hi"
msg 8 vr1 "notsochatty" "Didn't even notice you! Was playing some VR Game! What's up?"
msg 8 vr notsochatty "Didn't even notice you! Was playing some VR Game! What's up?"
choice 3 notsochatty imgood "I'm good, how are you?"
msg 5.5 imgood pizza "Are you sure? Your suit is sending a distress call. But whatever you say, have fun!"
choice 3 notsochatty imbad "Uhm... where am I? I don't feel so good."
msg 5.5 imbad pizza "Yeah I can imagine, looks like your suit is leaking. Take care!"
msg 3.5 notsochatty pizza "Not so chatty, huh? That's ok. See you around."
msg 2.5 pizza end "Make sure to check out the Pizza place."
choice 3 end end1 "Will do, bye!"
msg 0 end1 EXIT "Disconnected."
lvl info
msg 0 end EXIT "Disconnected."
lvl info
chat error
name ERROR
msg 0 INIT EXIT "Unspecified conversation ID"