if (!document) { throw Error("electron-tabs module must be called in renderer process"); } // Inject styles (function () { const styles = ` webview { display: flex; flex: 0 1; width: 0px; height: 0px; } webview.visible { width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } `; let styleTag = document.createElement("style"); styleTag.innerHTML = styles; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(styleTag); })(); class TabGroup { constructor (args = {}) { let options = this.options = { tabContainerSelector: args.tabContainerSelector || ".tabs-tabcontainer", buttonsContainerSelector: args.buttonsContainerSelector || ".tabs-buttonscontainer", viewContainerSelector: args.viewContainerSelector || ".tabs-viewcontainer", tabClass: args.tabClass || "tabs-tab", viewClass: args.viewClass || "tabs-view", closeButtonText: args.closeButtonText || "❌", newTab: args.newTab, newTabButtonText: args.newTabButton || "+" }; this.tabContainer = document.querySelector(options.tabContainerSelector); this.viewContainer = document.querySelector(options.viewContainerSelector); this.tabs = []; this.newTabId = 0; this.initNewTabButton(); } initNewTabButton () { if (!this.options.newTab) return; let container = document.querySelector(this.options.buttonsContainerSelector); let button = container.appendChild(document.createElement("button")); button.classList.add(`${this.options.tabClass}-button-new`); button.innerHTML = this.options.newTabButtonText; button.addEventListener("click", this.addTab.bind(this, undefined), false); } addTab (args = this.options.newTab) { let id = this.newTabId; this.newTabId++; let tab = new Tab(this, id, args); this.pushTab(tab); return tab; } pushTab (tab) { this.tabs.push(tab); } removeTab (tab) { let id = tab.id; for (let i in this.tabs) { if (this.tabs[i].id === id) { this.tabs.splice(i, 1); break; } } } setActiveTab (tab) { this.removeTab(tab); this.pushTab(tab); } getActiveTab () { if (this.tabs.length < 1) return null; return this.tabs[this.tabs.length - 1]; } activateRecentTab (tab) { let recentTab = this.tabs[this.tabs.length - 1]; if (!recentTab) return; recentTab.activate(); } } class Tab { constructor (tabGroup, id, args) { this.tabGroup = tabGroup; this.id = id; this.title = args.title; this.iconURL = args.iconURL; this.closable = args.closable === false ? false : true; this.webviewAttributes = args.webviewAttributes || {}; this.webviewAttributes.src = args.src; this.tabElements = {}; this.initTab(); this.initWebview(); } initTab () { let tabClass = this.tabGroup.options.tabClass; // Create tab element let tab = this.tab = document.createElement("div"); tab.classList.add(tabClass); for (let el of ["icon", "title", "buttons"]) { let span = tab.appendChild(document.createElement("span")); span.classList.add(`${tabClass}-${el}`); this.tabElements[el] = span; } this.setTitle(this.title); this.setIcon(this.iconURL); this.setButtons(); tab.addEventListener("click", this.tabClickHandler.bind(this), false); this.tabGroup.tabContainer.appendChild(this.tab); } initWebview () { this.webview = document.createElement("webview"); this.webview.classList.add(this.tabGroup.options.viewClass); if (this.webviewAttributes) { let attrs = this.webviewAttributes; for (let key in attrs) { this.webview.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]); } } this.tabGroup.viewContainer.appendChild(this.webview); } setTitle (title) { let span = this.tabElements.title; span.innerHTML = title; this.title = title; } getTitle () { return this.title; } setIcon (iconURL) { this.iconURL = iconURL; let span = this.tabElements.icon; if (iconURL) { span.innerHTML = ``; } } getIcon () { return this.iconURL; } setButtons () { let container = this.tabElements.buttons; let tabClass = this.tabGroup.options.tabClass; if (this.closable) { let button = container.appendChild(document.createElement("button")); button.classList.add(`${tabClass}-button-close`); button.innerHTML = this.tabGroup.options.closeButtonText; button.addEventListener("click", this.close.bind(this), false); } } tabClickHandler (e) { if (e.which === 1) { this.activate(); } else if (e.which === 2) { this.close(); } } activate () { let activeTab = this.tabGroup.getActiveTab(); if (activeTab) { activeTab.tab.classList.remove("active"); activeTab.webview.classList.remove("visible"); } this.tabGroup.setActiveTab(this); this.tab.classList.add("active"); this.webview.classList.add("visible"); } flash (flag) { if (flag !== false) { this.tab.classList.add("flash"); } else { this.tab.classList.remove("flash"); } } move (index) { // TODO: move } close (force) { if (!this.closable && !force) return; let tabGroup = this.tabGroup; tabGroup.tabContainer.removeChild(this.tab); tabGroup.viewContainer.removeChild(this.webview); tabGroup.removeTab(this); tabGroup.activateRecentTab(); } } module.exports = TabGroup;