Add action

This commit is contained in:
Peter Evans 2019-07-16 19:58:27 +09:00
parent 279e8cf0ce
commit 06a212202f
4 changed files with 213 additions and 1 deletions

Dockerfile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
FROM python:3.7.3
LABEL maintainer="Peter Evans <>"
LABEL repository=""
LABEL homepage=""
LABEL"Create Pull Request"
LABEL com.github.actions.description="Creates a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace"
LABEL com.github.actions.icon="git-pull-request"
LABEL com.github.actions.color="gray-dark"
COPY requirements.txt /tmp/
RUN pip install --requirement /tmp/requirements.txt
ENTRYPOINT [ "python", "/" ]

View file

@ -1,2 +1,68 @@
# create-pull-request # Create Pull Request
[![GitHub Marketplace](;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA4AAAAOCAYAAAAfSC3RAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlzAAAM6wAADOsB5dZE0gAAABl0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuPBoAAAERSURBVCiRhZG/SsMxFEZPfsVJ61jbxaF0cRQRcRJ9hlYn30IHN/+9iquDCOIsblIrOjqKgy5aKoJQj4O3EEtbPwhJbr6Te28CmdSKeqzeqr0YbfVIrTBKakvtOl5dtTkK+v4HfA9PEyBFCY9AGVgCBLaBp1jPAyfAJ/AAdIEG0dNAiyP7+K1qIfMdonZic6+WJoBJvQlvuwDqcXadUuqPA1NKAlexbRTAIMvMOCjTbMwl1LtI/6KWJ5Q6rT6Ht1MA58AX8Apcqqt5r2qhrgAXQC3CZ6i1+KMd9TRu3MvA3aH/fFPnBodb6oe6HM8+lYHrGdRXW8M9bMZtPXUji69lmf5Cmamq7quNLFZXD9Rq7v0Bpc1o/tp0fisAAAAASUVORK5CYII=)](
A GitHub action to create a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace. A GitHub action to create a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace.
Changes to a repository in the actions workspace persist between actions in a workflow.
This action is useful to pair with other actions that modify or add files to your repository.
The changes will be automatically committed to a new branch and a pull request created.
Create Pull Request action will:
1. Check for repository changes in the actions workspace. This includes untracked (new) files as well as modified files.
2. Commit all changes to a new branch. The commit will be made using the name and email of the `HEAD` commit author.
3. Create a pull request to merge the new branch into the currently active branch executing the workflow.
## Usage
action "Create Pull Request" {
uses = "peter-evans/create-pull-request@v1.0.0"
secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
#### Environment variables
These variables are all optional. If not set, a default value will be used.
- `PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH` - The branch name. See **Branch naming** below for details.
- `COMMIT_MESSAGE` - The message to use when committing changes.
- `PULL_REQUEST_TITLE` - The title of the pull request.
- `PULL_REQUEST_BODY` - The body of the pull request.
#### Branch naming
The variable `PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH` defaults to `create-pull-request/patch`.
Commits will be made to a branch with this name and suffixed with the short SHA1 commit hash.
#### Ignoring files
If there are files or directories you want to ignore you can simply add them to a `.gitignore` file at the root of your repository. The action will respect this file.
## Example
Here is an example that sets all the environment variables.
action "Create Pull Request" {
uses = "peter-evans/create-pull-request@v1.0.0"
secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
env = {
PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH = "auto-branch"
COMMIT_MESSAGE = "Auto-modify files by my-file-modifier-action"
PULL_REQUEST_TITLE = "Changes from my-file-modifier-action"
PULL_REQUEST_BODY = "This is an auto-generated PR with changes from my-file-modifier-action"
## License
MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details

126 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
''' '''
import json
import os
from git import Repo
from github import Github
def get_github_event(github_event_path):
with open(github_event_path) as f:
github_event = json.load(f)
if os.environ.get('DEBUG_EVENT') is not None:
print(json.dumps(github_event, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
return github_event
def ignore_event(github_event):
# Ignore push events on deleted branches
deleted = "{deleted}".format(**github_event)
if deleted == "True":
print("Ignoring delete branch event.")
return True
return False
def pr_branch_exists(repo, branch):
for ref in repo.remotes.origin.refs:
if == ("origin/%s" % branch):
return True
return False
def get_head_author(github_event):
email = "{head_commit[author][email]}".format(**github_event)
name = "{head_commit[author][name]}".format(**github_event)
return email, name
def get_head_short_sha1(repo):
return repo.git.rev_parse('--short', 'HEAD')
def set_git_config(git, email, name):
git.config('--global', '', '"%s"' % email)
git.config('--global', '', '"%s"' % name)
def commit_changes(git, branch, commit_message):
git.checkout('HEAD', b=branch)
return git.push('--set-upstream', 'origin', branch)
def create_pull_request(token, repo, head, base, title, body):
return Github(token).get_repo(repo).create_pull(
def process_event(github_event, repo, branch):
# Fetch required environment variables
github_token = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']
github_repository = os.environ['GITHUB_REPOSITORY']
# Fetch remaining optional environment variables
commit_message = os.getenv(
"Auto-committed changes by create-pull-request action")
title = os.getenv(
"Auto-generated by create-pull-request action")
body = os.getenv(
'PULL_REQUEST_BODY', "Auto-generated pull request by "
"[create-pull-request]( GitHub Action")
# Get the HEAD committer's email and name
author_email, author_name = get_head_author(github_event)
# Set git configuration
set_git_config(repo.git, author_email, author_name)
# Set the target base branch of the pull request
base =
# Commit the repository changes
print("Committing changes.")
commit_result = commit_changes(repo.git, branch, commit_message)
# Create the pull request
print("Creating a request to pull %s into %s." % (branch, base))
pull_request = create_pull_request(
print("Created pull request %d." % pull_request.number)
# Get the JSON event data
github_event = get_github_event(os.environ['GITHUB_EVENT_PATH'])
# Check if this event should be ignored
if not ignore_event(github_event):
# Set the repo to the working directory
repo = Repo(os.getcwd())
# Fetch/Set the branch name
branch = os.getenv('PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH', 'create-pull-request/patch')
# Suffix with the short SHA1 hash
branch = "%s-%s" % (branch, get_head_short_sha1(repo))
# Check if a PR branch already exists for this HEAD commit
if not pr_branch_exists(repo, branch):
# Check if there are changes to pull request
if repo.is_dirty() or len(repo.untracked_files) > 0:
print("Repository has modified or untracked files.")
process_event(github_event, repo, branch)
print("Repository has no modified or untracked files. Skipping.")
"Pull request branch '%s' already exists for this commit. Skipping." %

requirements.txt Normal file
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