## Updating from `v4` to `v5`

### Behaviour changes

- The action will no longer leave the local repository checked out on the pull request `branch`. Instead, it will leave the repository checked out on the branch or commit that it was when the action started.
- When using `add-paths`, uncommitted changes will no longer be destroyed. They will be stashed and restored at the end of the action run.

### What's new

- Adds input `body-path`, the path to a file containing the pull request body.
- At the end of the action run the local repository is now checked out on the branch or commit that it was when the action started.
- Any uncommitted tracked or untracked changes are now stashed and restored at the end of the action run. Currently, this can only occur when using the `add-paths` input, which allows for changes to not be committed. Previously, any uncommitted changes would be destroyed.
- The proxy implementation has been revised but is not expected to have any change in behaviour. It continues to support the standard environment variables `http_proxy`, `https_proxy` and `no_proxy`.
- Now sets the git `safe.directory` configuration for the local repository path. The configuration is removed when the action completes. Fixes issue https://github.com/peter-evans/create-pull-request/issues/1170.
- Now determines the git directory path using the `git rev-parse --git-dir` command. This allows users with custom repository configurations to use the action.
- Improved handling of the `team-reviewers` input and associated errors.

## Updating from `v3` to `v4`

### Behaviour changes

- The `add-paths` input no longer accepts `-A` as a valid value. When committing all new and modified files the `add-paths` input should be omitted.

- If using self-hosted runners or GitHub Enterprise Server, there are minimum requirements for `v4` to run. See "What's new" below for details.

### What's new

- Updated runtime to Node.js 16
  - The action now requires a minimum version of v2.285.0 for the [Actions Runner](https://github.com/actions/runner/releases/tag/v2.285.0).
  - If using GitHub Enterprise Server, the action requires [GHES 3.4](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.4/admin/release-notes) or later.

## Updating from `v2` to `v3`

### Behaviour changes

- The `author` input now defaults to the user who triggered the workflow run. This default is set via [action.yml](../action.yml) as `${{ github.actor }} <${{ github.actor }}@users.noreply.github.com>`, where `github.actor` is the GitHub user account associated with the run. For example, `peter-evans <peter-evans@users.noreply.github.com>`.

  To continue to use the `v2` default, set the `author` input as follows.
      - uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
          author: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>

- The `author` and `committer` inputs are no longer cross-used if only one is supplied. Additionally, when neither input is set, the `author` and `committer` are no longer determined from an existing identity set in git config. In both cases, the inputs will fall back to their default set in [action.yml](../action.yml).

- Deprecated inputs `project` and `project-column` have been removed in favour of an additional action step. See [Create a project card](https://github.com/peter-evans/create-pull-request#create-a-project-card) for details.

- Deprecated output `pr_number` has been removed in favour of `pull-request-number`.

- Input `request-to-parent` has been removed in favour of `push-to-fork`. This greatly simplifies pushing the pull request branch to a fork of the parent repository. See [Push pull request branches to a fork](concepts-guidelines.md#push-pull-request-branches-to-a-fork) for details.

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Make changes to pull request here

      - uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
          token: ${{ secrets.MACHINE_USER_PAT }}
          push-to-fork: machine-user/fork-of-repository

### What's new

- The action has been converted to Typescript giving it a significant performance improvement.

- If you run this action in a container, or on [self-hosted runners](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/hosting-your-own-runners), `python` and `pip` are no longer required dependencies. See [Running in a container or on self-hosted runners](concepts-guidelines.md#running-in-a-container-or-on-self-hosted-runners) for details.

- Inputs `labels`, `assignees`, `reviewers` and `team-reviewers` can now be newline separated, or comma separated.
          labels: |

## Updating from `v1` to `v2`

### Behaviour changes

- `v2` now expects repositories to be checked out with `actions/checkout@v2`

  To use `actions/checkout@v1` the following step to checkout the branch is necessary.
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Checkout branch
        run: git checkout "${GITHUB_REF:11}"

- The two branch naming strategies have been swapped. Fixed-branch naming strategy is now the default. i.e. `branch-suffix: none` is now the default and should be removed from configuration if set.

- `author-name`, `author-email`, `committer-name`, `committer-email` have been removed in favour of `author` and `committer`.
  They can both be set in the format `Display Name <email@address.com>`

  If neither `author` or `committer` are set the action will default to making commits as the GitHub Actions bot user.

### What's new

- Unpushed commits made during the workflow before the action runs will now be considered as changes to be raised in the pull request. See [Create your own commits](https://github.com/peter-evans/create-pull-request#create-your-own-commits) for details.
- New commits made to the pull request base will now be taken into account when pull requests are updated.
- If an updated pull request no longer differs from its base it will automatically be closed and the pull request branch deleted.