import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import * as io from '@actions/io' import * as utils from './utils' import * as path from 'path' const tagsRefSpec = '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*' export type Commit = { sha: string tree: string parents: string[] signed: boolean subject: string body: string changes: { mode: string status: 'A' | 'M' | 'D' path: string }[] unparsedChanges: string[] } export class GitCommandManager { private gitPath: string private workingDirectory: string // Git options used when commands require an identity private identityGitOptions?: string[] private constructor(workingDirectory: string, gitPath: string) { this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory this.gitPath = gitPath } static async create(workingDirectory: string): Promise { const gitPath = await io.which('git', true) return new GitCommandManager(workingDirectory, gitPath) } setIdentityGitOptions(identityGitOptions: string[]): void { this.identityGitOptions = identityGitOptions } async checkout(ref: string, startPoint?: string): Promise { const args = ['checkout', '--progress'] if (startPoint) { args.push('-B', ref, startPoint) } else { args.push(ref) } // args.push('--') await this.exec(args) } async cherryPick( options?: string[], allowAllExitCodes = false ): Promise { const args = ['cherry-pick'] if (this.identityGitOptions) { args.unshift(...this.identityGitOptions) } if (options) { args.push(...options) } return await this.exec(args, allowAllExitCodes) } async commit( options?: string[], allowAllExitCodes = false ): Promise { const args = ['commit'] if (this.identityGitOptions) { args.unshift(...this.identityGitOptions) } if (options) { args.push(...options) } return await this.exec(args, allowAllExitCodes) } async config( configKey: string, configValue: string, globalConfig?: boolean, add?: boolean ): Promise { const args: string[] = ['config', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local'] if (add) { args.push('--add') } args.push(...[configKey, configValue]) await this.exec(args) } async configExists( configKey: string, configValue = '.', globalConfig?: boolean ): Promise { const output = await this.exec( [ 'config', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', '--name-only', '--get-regexp', configKey, configValue ], true ) return output.exitCode === 0 } async fetch( refSpec: string[], remoteName?: string, options?: string[], unshallow = false ): Promise { const args = ['-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch'] if (!refSpec.some(x => x === tagsRefSpec)) { args.push('--no-tags') } args.push('--progress', '--no-recurse-submodules') if ( unshallow && utils.fileExistsSync(path.join(this.workingDirectory, '.git', 'shallow')) ) { args.push('--unshallow') } if (options) { args.push(...options) } if (remoteName) { args.push(remoteName) } else { args.push('origin') } for (const arg of refSpec) { args.push(arg) } await this.exec(args) } async getCommit(ref: string): Promise { const endOfBody = '###EOB###' const output = await this.exec([ 'show', '--raw', '--cc', `--format=%H%n%T%n%P%n%G?%n%s%n%b%n${endOfBody}`, ref ]) const lines = output.stdout.split('\n') const endOfBodyIndex = lines.lastIndexOf(endOfBody) const detailLines = lines.slice(0, endOfBodyIndex) const unparsedChanges: string[] = [] return { sha: detailLines[0], tree: detailLines[1], parents: detailLines[2].split(' '), signed: detailLines[3] !== 'N', subject: detailLines[4], body: detailLines.slice(5, endOfBodyIndex).join('\n'), changes: lines.slice(endOfBodyIndex + 2, -1).map(line => { const change = line.match( /^:(\d{6}) (\d{6}) \w{7} \w{7} ([AMD])\s+(.*)$/ ) if (change) { return { mode: change[3] === 'D' ? change[1] : change[2], status: change[3], path: change[4] } } else { unparsedChanges.push(line) } }), unparsedChanges: unparsedChanges } } async getConfigValue(configKey: string, configValue = '.'): Promise { const output = await this.exec([ 'config', '--local', '--get-regexp', configKey, configValue ]) return output.stdout.trim().split(`${configKey} `)[1] } getGitDirectory(): Promise { return this.revParse('--git-dir') } getWorkingDirectory(): string { return this.workingDirectory } async hasDiff(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['diff', '--quiet'] if (options) { args.push(...options) } const output = await this.exec(args, true) return output.exitCode === 1 } async isDirty(untracked: boolean, pathspec?: string[]): Promise { const pathspecArgs = pathspec ? ['--', ...pathspec] : [] // Check untracked changes const sargs = ['--porcelain', '-unormal'] sargs.push(...pathspecArgs) if (untracked && (await this.status(sargs))) { return true } // Check working index changes if (await this.hasDiff(pathspecArgs)) { return true } // Check staged changes const dargs = ['--staged'] dargs.push(...pathspecArgs) if (await this.hasDiff(dargs)) { return true } return false } async push(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['push'] if (options) { args.push(...options) } await this.exec(args) } async revList( commitExpression: string[], options?: string[] ): Promise { const args = ['rev-list'] if (options) { args.push(...options) } args.push(...commitExpression) const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() } async revParse(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['rev-parse'] if (options) { args.push(...options) } args.push(ref) const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() } async stashPush(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['stash', 'push'] if (options) { args.push(...options) } const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() !== 'No local changes to save' } async stashPop(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['stash', 'pop'] if (options) { args.push(...options) } await this.exec(args) } async status(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['status'] if (options) { args.push(...options) } const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() } async symbolicRef(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['symbolic-ref', ref] if (options) { args.push(...options) } const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() } async tryConfigUnset( configKey: string, configValue = '.', globalConfig?: boolean ): Promise { const output = await this.exec( [ 'config', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', '--unset', configKey, configValue ], true ) return output.exitCode === 0 } async tryGetRemoteUrl(): Promise { const output = await this.exec( ['config', '--local', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], true ) if (output.exitCode !== 0) { return '' } const stdout = output.stdout.trim() if (stdout.includes('\n')) { return '' } return stdout } async exec(args: string[], allowAllExitCodes = false): Promise { const result = new GitOutput() const env = {} for (const key of Object.keys(process.env)) { env[key] = process.env[key] } const stdout: string[] = [] const stderr: string[] = [] const options = { cwd: this.workingDirectory, env, ignoreReturnCode: allowAllExitCodes, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { stdout.push(data.toString()) }, stderr: (data: Buffer) => { stderr.push(data.toString()) } } } result.exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${this.gitPath}"`, args, options) result.stdout = stdout.join('') result.stderr = stderr.join('') return result } } class GitOutput { stdout = '' stderr = '' exitCode = 0 }