{ x, pkgs, ... }: with x; { programs.yazi = { shellWrapperName = "yy"; settings = { manager = { ratio = [ 1 4 4 ]; show_hidden = false; sort_by = "natural"; sort_dir_first = true; sort_reverse = false; linemode = "size"; show_symlink = true; }; preview = { wrap = "yes"; tab_size = 1; image_filter = "lanczos3"; image_quality = 90; max_height = 1000; max_width = 1000; }; opener = { open = [ { run = "xdg-open $1"; } ]; edit = [ { run = ''hx "$@"''; block = true; } ]; reveal = [ { run = ''xdg-open "$(dirname "$1")"''; } ]; play = [ { run = ''mpv --force-window "$@"''; orphan = true; } ]; image = [ { run = ''swayimg "$@"''; block = true; } ]; document = [ { desc = "Document"; orphan = true; run = "onlyoffice-desktopeditors"; } ]; }; open = { rules = [ # Folder { name = "*/"; use = [ "edit" "open" "reveal" ]; } # Text { mime = "text/*"; use = [ "edit" "reveal" ]; } # Image { mime = "image/*"; use = [ "open" "reveal" ]; } # Media { mime = "{audio,video}/*"; use = [ "play" "reveal" ]; } # Archive { mime = "application/{,g}zip"; use = [ "extract" "reveal" ]; } { mime = "application/x-{tar,bzip*,7z-compressed,xz,rar}"; use = [ "extract" "reveal" ]; } # JSON { mime = "application/{json,x-ndjson,octet-stream}"; use = [ "edit" "reveal" ]; } { mime = "*/javascript"; use = [ "edit" "reveal" ]; } # Empty file { mime = "inode/x-empty"; use = [ "edit" "reveal" ]; } # Fallback { name = "*"; use = [ "open" "reveal" ]; } # Documents { mime = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.*"; use = "document"; } ]; }; plugin = { prepend_previewers = [ { mime = "application/*zip"; run = "ouch"; } { mime = "application/x-tar"; run = "ouch"; } { mime = "application/x-bzip2"; run = "ouch"; } { mime = "application/x-7z-compressed"; run = "ouch"; } { mime = "application/x-rar"; run = "ouch"; } { mime = "application/x-xz"; run = "ouch"; } { name = "*.md"; run = "glow"; } ]; }; }; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ ffmpegthumbnailer atool p7zip zip jq poppler_min imagemagick glow ouch ]; }