{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.module.wm.sway; font = config.stylix.fonts; win = { border = 1; titlebar = false; }; in { wayland.windowManager.sway = with config.lib.stylix.colors; { config = with pkgs; rec { # INPUTS seat."*".hide_cursor = "1"; input."*" = { xkb_layout = "us,ru"; xkb_options = "grp:caps_toggle"; }; # BARS bars = [ ]; # AUTOSTART startup = [ { command = "${mako}/bin/mako"; } { command = "${autotiling-rs}/bin/autotiling-rs"; } ]; fonts.names = [ "${font.monospace.name}" ]; # MOVEMENT & BINDS modifier = "Mod4"; bindkeysToCode = true; workspaceAutoBackAndForth = true; # DECORATIONS gaps = { inner = 4; outer = 4; smartBorders = "on"; smartGaps = true; }; window = win // { hideEdgeBorders = "smart"; }; floating = win // { inherit modifier; }; # COLORS colors = mkForce { background = "#${base00}"; focused = { background = "#${base00}"; border = "#${base00}"; childBorder = "#${base0B}"; indicator = "#${base08}"; text = "#${base06}"; }; focusedInactive = { background = "#${base02}"; border = "#${base00}"; childBorder = "#${base0B}"; indicator = "#${base08}"; text = "#${base04}"; }; unfocused = { background = "#${base00}"; border = "#${base00}"; childBorder = "#${base0B}"; indicator = "#${base08}"; text = "#${base06}"; }; urgent = { background = "#${base00}"; border = "#${base08}"; childBorder = "#${base0B}"; indicator = "#${base08}"; text = "#${base06}"; }; }; }; extraConfig = '' corner_radius 10 blur enable blur_xray on shadows enable shadows_on_csd enable shadow_color #${base00} shadow_blur_radius 12 default_dim_inactive 0.4 layer_effects "waybar" shadows disable; corner_radius 0; blur disable ''; }; }