  # please, do not use `enable-all`: it's deprecated and will be removed soon.
  # inverted configuration with `enable-all` and `disable` is not scalable during updates of golangci-lint
  disable-all: true
    - bodyclose
    - deadcode
    - depguard
    - dogsled
    - dupl
    - errcheck
    - goconst
    - gocritic
    - gocyclo
    - gofmt
    - goimports
    - gomnd
    - goprintffuncname
    - gosimple
    - govet
    - ineffassign
    - interfacer
    - lll
    - misspell
    - nakedret
    - nolintlint
    - rowserrcheck
    - scopelint
    - staticcheck
    - structcheck
    - stylecheck
    - typecheck
    - unconvert
    - unparam
    - unused
    - varcheck
    - whitespace