package uuid

 * Date: 31/01/14
 * Time: 3:34 PM

import "net"

// Struct is used for RFC4122 Version 1 UUIDs
type Struct struct {
	timeLow              uint32
	timeMid              uint16
	timeHiAndVersion     uint16
	sequenceHiAndVariant byte
	sequenceLow          byte
	node                 []byte
	size                 int

func (o Struct) Size() int {
	return o.size

func (o Struct) Version() int {
	return int(o.timeHiAndVersion >> 12)

func (o Struct) Variant() byte {
	return variant(o.sequenceHiAndVariant)

// Sets the four most significant bits (bits 12 through 15) of the
// timeHiAndVersion field to the 4-bit version number.
func (o *Struct) setVersion(pVersion int) {
	o.timeHiAndVersion &= 0x0FFF
	o.timeHiAndVersion |= (uint16(pVersion) << 12)

func (o *Struct) setVariant(pVariant byte) {
	setVariant(&o.sequenceHiAndVariant, pVariant)

func (o *Struct) Unmarshal(pData []byte) {
	o.timeLow = uint32(pData[3]) | uint32(pData[2])<<8 | uint32(pData[1])<<16 | uint32(pData[0])<<24
	o.timeMid = uint16(pData[5]) | uint16(pData[4])<<8
	o.timeHiAndVersion = uint16(pData[7]) | uint16(pData[6])<<8
	o.sequenceHiAndVariant = pData[8]
	o.sequenceLow = pData[9]
	o.node = pData[10:o.Size()]

func (o *Struct) Bytes() (data []byte) {
	data = []byte{
		byte(o.timeLow >> 24), byte(o.timeLow >> 16), byte(o.timeLow >> 8), byte(o.timeLow),
		byte(o.timeMid >> 8), byte(o.timeMid),
		byte(o.timeHiAndVersion >> 8), byte(o.timeHiAndVersion),
	data = append(data, o.sequenceHiAndVariant)
	data = append(data, o.sequenceLow)
	data = append(data, o.node...)

// Marshals the UUID bytes into a slice
func (o *Struct) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
	return o.Bytes(), nil

// Un-marshals the data bytes into the UUID struct.
// Implements the BinaryUn-marshaller interface
func (o *Struct) UnmarshalBinary(pData []byte) error {
	return UnmarshalBinary(o, pData)

func (o Struct) String() string {
	return formatter(&o, format)

func (o Struct) Format(pFormat string) string {
	return formatter(&o, pFormat)

// Set the three most significant bits (bits 0, 1 and 2) of the
// sequenceHiAndVariant to variant mask 0x80.
func (o *Struct) setRFC4122Variant() {
	o.sequenceHiAndVariant &= variantSet
	o.sequenceHiAndVariant |= ReservedRFC4122

// Unmarshals data into struct for V1 UUIDs
func newV1(pNow Timestamp, pVersion uint16, pVariant byte, pNode net.HardwareAddr) UUID {
	o := new(Struct)
	o.timeLow = uint32(pNow & 0xFFFFFFFF)
	o.timeMid = uint16((pNow >> 32) & 0xFFFF)
	o.timeHiAndVersion = uint16((pNow >> 48) & 0x0FFF)
	o.timeHiAndVersion |= uint16(pVersion << 12)
	o.sequenceLow = byte(state.sequence & 0xFF)
	o.sequenceHiAndVariant = byte((state.sequence & 0x3F00) >> 8)
	o.sequenceHiAndVariant |= pVariant
	o.node = pNode
	return o