# LedisDB configuration

# Server listen address
addr = ""

# Server http listen address, set empty to disable
http_addr = ""

# Data store path, all ledisdb's data will be saved here
data_dir = "/tmp/ledis_server"

# Log server command, set empty to disable
access_log = ""

# Set slaveof to enable replication from master, empty, no replication
slaveof = ""

# Choose which backend storage to use, now support:
#   leveldb
#   rocksdb
#   goleveldb
#   lmdb
#   boltdb
#   hyperleveldb
#   memory
db_name = "leveldb"

compression = false
block_size = 32768
write_buffer_size = 67108864
cache_size = 524288000
max_open_files = 1024

map_size = 524288000
nosync = true

max_file_size = 0
max_file_num = 0