{ config, lib, pkgs, flake, ... }: let # TODO add hosts here blackboxTargets = [ "https://pablo.tools" ]; in { age.secrets.alertmanager-envfile = { file = "${flake.self}/secrets/alertmanager-envfile.age"; mode = "600"; owner = "alertmanager"; }; security.acme.certs = { "alerts.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}" = { # disable http challenge webroot = null; # enable dns challenge dnsProvider = "namecheap"; }; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."alerts.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; listenAddresses = [ "" "[fd00:fae:fae:fae:fae:5::]" ]; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "${toString config.services.prometheus.alertmanager.port}"; }; }; services.prometheus = { enable = true; port = 9001; exporters = { blackbox = { enable = true; # Default port is 9115 # Listen on, bet we only open the firewall for wg0 openFirewall = false; configFile = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "blackbox-exporter-config"; text = '' modules: http_2xx: prober: http timeout: 5s http: valid_http_versions: ["HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2.0"] valid_status_codes: [] # Defaults to 2xx method: GET no_follow_redirects: false fail_if_ssl: false fail_if_not_ssl: false tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: false preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4" # defaults to "ip6" ip_protocol_fallback: true # fallback to "ip6" ''; }; }; node = { enable = true; enabledCollectors = [ "systemd" ]; port = 9002; }; }; globalConfig = { scrape_interval = "10s"; scrape_timeout = "9s"; }; scrapeConfigs = [ { job_name = "blackbox"; scrape_interval = "2m"; metrics_path = "/probe"; params = { module = [ "http_2xx" ]; }; static_configs = [ { targets = blackboxTargets; } ]; relabel_configs = [ { source_labels = [ "__address__" ]; target_label = "__param_target"; } { source_labels = [ "__param_target" ]; target_label = "instance"; } { target_label = "__address__"; replacement = ""; # The blackbox exporter's real hostname:port. } ]; } { job_name = "node-exporter"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "nachtigall.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}" ]; labels = { instance = "nachtigall"; }; } { targets = [ "metronom.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}" ]; labels = { instance = "metronom"; }; } { targets = [ "tankstelle.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}" ]; labels = { instance = "tankstelle"; }; } { targets = [ "trinkgenossin.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}" ]; labels = { instance = "trinkgenossin"; }; } { targets = [ "delite.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}" ]; labels = { instance = "delite"; }; } { targets = [ "blue-shell.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}" ]; labels = { instance = "blue-shell"; }; } ]; } { job_name = "matrix-synapse"; metrics_path = "/_synapse/metrics"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "nachtigall.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}" ]; labels = { instance = "nachtigall"; }; } ]; } { job_name = "garage"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "trinkgenossin.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:3903" ]; labels = { instance = "trinkgenossin"; }; } { targets = [ "delite.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:3903" ]; labels = { instance = "delite"; }; } { targets = [ "blue-shell.wg.${config.pub-solar-os.networking.domain}:3903" ]; labels = { instance = "blue-shell"; }; } ]; } ]; ruleFiles = [ (pkgs.writeText "prometheus-rules.yml" ( builtins.toJSON { groups = [ { name = "alerting-rules"; rules = import ./alert-rules.nix { inherit lib; }; } ]; } )) ]; alertmanagers = [ { static_configs = [ { targets = [ "localhost:9093" ]; } ]; } ]; alertmanager = { enable = true; # port = 9093; # Default webExternalUrl = "https://alerts.pub.solar"; environmentFile = "${config.age.secrets.alertmanager-envfile.path}"; configuration = { route = { receiver = "all"; group_by = [ "instance" ]; group_wait = "30s"; group_interval = "2m"; repeat_interval = "24h"; }; receivers = [ { name = "all"; # Email config documentation: https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/latest/configuration/#email_config email_configs = [ { send_resolved = true; to = "admins@pub.solar"; from = "alerts@pub.solar"; smarthost = "mail.pub.solar:465"; auth_username = "admins@pub.solar"; auth_password = "$SMTP_AUTH_PASSWORD"; require_tls = false; } ]; # TODO: # For matrix notifications, look into: https://github.com/pinpox/matrix-hook and add a webhook # webhook_configs = [ { url = ""; } ]; } ]; }; }; }; }