{ ... }: { services.nginx.virtualHosts = { "www.pub.solar".locations."/".extraConfig = "return 301 https://pub.solar$request_uri"; "pub.solar" = { default = true; enableACME = true; locations = { # PubSolarOS images "/os/download" = { root = "/data/srv/www"; extraConfig = "autoindex on;"; }; # serve base domain pub.solar for mastodon.pub.solar # https://masto.host/mastodon-usernames-different-from-the-domain-used-for-installation/ "/.well-known/host-meta" = { extraConfig = '' return 301 https://mastodon.pub.solar$request_uri; ''; }; # Tailscale OIDC webfinger requirement plus Mastodon webfinger redirect "/.well-known/webfinger" = { # Redirect requests that match /.well-known/webfinger?resource=* to Mastodon extraConfig = '' if ($arg_resource) = { return 301 https://mastodon.pub.solar$request_uri; } add_header Content-Type text/plain; return 200 '{\n "subject": "acct:admins@pub.solar",\n "links": [\n {\n "rel": "http://openid.net/specs/connect/1.0/issuer",\n "href": "https://auth.pub.solar/realms/pub.solar"\n }\n ]\n}'; ''; }; "/satzung" = { extraConfig = '' return 302 /satzung https://cloud.pub.solar/s/2tRCP9aZFCiWxQy; ''; }; "/" = { root = "/srv/www/pub.solar"; index = "index.html"; tryFiles = "$uri $uri/"; }; }; }; }; }