# Updating mediawiki docker container See the [mediawiki-oidc-docker repository](https://git.pub.solar/pub-solar/mediawiki-oidc-docker#updating-the-docker-image) for instructions on updating our customized mediawiki docker image. To deploy a new docker image to `nachtigall`, first bump the mediawiki version of the docker image tag in `modules/mediawiki/default.nix` (search for `image`). Next, push your changes to https://git.pub.solar and get them reviewed and approved. After approval, create a fresh backup of the database and deploy the changes to `nachtigall`. Run the following after [SSH'ing to `nachtigall`](./administrative-access.md#ssh-access): ``` sudo -u postgres pg_dump --create -Fc mediawiki > mediawiki-db-$(date +%F).dump exit ``` ``` deploy --targets '.#nachtigall' --magic-rollback false --auto-rollback false --keep-result --result-path ./results ``` Then, finalize the update by running the database migration script (in a [SSH](./administrative-access.md#ssh-access) shell on `nachtigall`): ``` docker exec -it mediawiki bash php maintenance/run.php update.php ```