If you are only looking to create a theme (and not a theme + an App) there are a lot of things that you can remove from this starter: [Please read this section of the README](#standalone-keycloak-theme).
> Currently Keycloakify only works colocated with Webpack projects but [we are working toward enabeling collocation with Vite and Next.js projects](https://github.com/keycloakify/keycloakify/pull/275)!
- You need to manually allow GitHub Action to push on your repositroy. For this reason the initial setup will fail. You need to enabled permission and re-run failed job: [see video](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6702424/213480604-0aac0ea7-487f-491d-94ae-df245b2c7ee8.mov).
- This CI is configured to publish [the app](https://starter.keycloakify.dev) on [GitHub Pages](https://github.com/codegouvfr/keycloakify-starter/blob/3617a71deb1a6544c3584aa8d6d2241647abd48c/.github/workflows/ci.yaml#L51-L76) and on [DockerHub](https://github.com/codegouvfr/keycloakify-starter/blob/3617a71deb1a6544c3584aa8d6d2241647abd48c/.github/workflows/ci.yaml#L78-L123) (as a Ngnix based docker image). In practice you probably want one or the other but not both... or neither if you are just building a theme (and not a theme + an app).
If you want to enable the CI to publish on DockerHub on your behalf go to repository `Settings` tab, then `Secrets` you will need to add two new secrets:
We deploy the demo app at [starter.keycloakify.dev](https://starter.keycloakify.dev) using GitHub page on the branch `gh-pages` (you have to enable it).
To configure your own domain name please refer to [this documentation](https://docs.gitlanding.dev/using-a-custom-domain-name).
- To release **don't create a tag manually**, the CI do it for you. Just update the `package.json`'s version field and push.
- The `.jar` files that bundle the Keycloak theme will be attached as an asset with every GitHub release. [Example](https://github.com/InseeFrLab/keycloakify-starter/releases/tag/v0.1.0). The permalink to download the latest version is: `https://github.com/USER/PROJECT/releases/latest/download/keycloak-theme.jar`.
- The CI publishes the app docker image on DockerHub. `<org>/<repo>:main` for each **commit** on `main`, `<org>/<repo>:<feature-branch-name>` for each **pull-request** on `main`
and when **releasing a new version**: `<org>/<repo>:latest` and `<org>/<repo>:X.Y.Z`
If you want an example of an app that put that setup in production checkout onyxia-ui: [the repo](https://github.com/InseeFrLab/onyxia-ui), [the login](https://auth.lab.sspcloud.fr/auth/realms/sspcloud/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=onyxia&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fonyxia.lab.sspcloud.fr), [the app](https://datalab.sspcloud.fr).
# Standalone vs `--external-assets`
The CI creates two jars
-`keycloak-theme.jar`: Generated with `npx keycloakify --external-assets`, the assets, located `static/**/*`, like for example
-`standalone-keycloak-theme.jar`: Generated with `npx keycloakify`, this theme is fully standalone, all assets will be served by the
Keycloak server, for example `static/js/main.<hash>.js` will be downloaded from an url like `http://<your keycloak url>/resources/xxxx/login/keycloakify-starter/build/static/js/main.<hash>.js`.
More info on the `--external-assets` build option [here](https://docs.keycloakify.dev/v/v6/build-options#external-assets).