Migrate from keycloak-js to oidc-spa
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 170 additions and 422 deletions
@ -220,4 +220,4 @@ jobs:
You can also remove `jwt-decode`, `keycloak-js`, `powerhooks` and `tsafe` from your dependencies.
You can also remove `oidc-spa`, `powerhooks` and `tsafe` from your dependencies.
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
"keywords": [],
"dependencies": {
"evt": "^2.4.15",
"jwt-decode": "^3.1.2",
"keycloak-js": "^21.0.1",
"oidc-spa": "^1.0.1",
"keycloakify": "^8.1.3",
"powerhooks": "^0.26.8",
"react": "18.1.0",
@ -1,86 +1,69 @@
import "./App.css";
import logo from "./logo.svg";
import myimg from "./myimg.png";
import { createOidcClientProvider, useOidcClient } from "./oidc";
import { addFooToQueryParams, addBarToQueryParams } from "../keycloak-theme/login/valuesTransferredOverUrl";
import jwt_decode from "jwt-decode";
import { addParamToUrl } from "powerhooks/tools/urlSearchParams";
import { useMemo } from "react";
import { createOidcProvider, useOidc } from "oidc-spa/react";
import { addQueryParamToUrl } from "oidc-spa/tools/urlQueryParams";
import { decodeJwt } from "oidc-spa";
import { assert } from "tsafe/assert";
//On older Keycloak version you need the /auth (e.g: http://localhost:8080/auth)
//On newer version you must remove it (e.g: http://localhost:8080 )
const keycloakUrl = "https://auth.code.gouv.fr/auth";
const keycloakRealm = "keycloakify";
const keycloakClient= "starter";
const keycloakClientId= "starter";
const { OidcClientProvider } = createOidcClientProvider({
url: keycloakUrl,
realm: keycloakRealm,
clientId: keycloakClient,
//This function will be called just before redirecting,
//it should return the current langue.
//kcContext.locale.currentLanguageTag will be what this function returned just before redirecting.
getUiLocales: () => "en",
transformUrlBeforeRedirect: url =>
//Instead of foo and bar you could have isDark for example or any other state that you wish to
//transfer from the main app to the login pages.
.map(url => addFooToQueryParams({ url, value: { foo: 42 } }))
.map(url => addBarToQueryParams({ url, value: "value of bar transferred to login page" }))
log: console.log
const { OidcProvider } = createOidcProvider({
issuerUri: `${keycloakUrl}/realms/${keycloakRealm}`,
clientId: keycloakClientId,
transformUrlBeforeRedirect: url => {
// This adding ui_locales to the url will ensure the consistency of the language between the app and the login pages
// If your app implements a i18n system (like i18nifty.dev for example) you should use this and replace "en" by the
// current language of the app.
// On the other side you will find kcContext.locale.currentLanguageTag to be whatever you set here.
url = addQueryParamToUrl({
"name": "ui_locales",
"value": "en",
// If you want to pass some custom state to the login pages...
// See in src/keycloak-theme/pages/Login.tsx how it's retrieved.
url = addQueryParamToUrl({
"name": "my_custom_param",
"value": "value of foo transferred to login page",
return url;
// Uncomment if your app is not hosted at the origin and update /foo/bar/baz.
//silentSsoUrl: `${window.location.origin}/foo/bar/baz/silent-sso.html`,
export default function App() {
return (
<ContextualizedApp />
function ContextualizedApp() {
const { oidcClient } = useOidcClient();
let accountUrl = `${keycloakUrl}/realms/${keycloakRealm}/account`;
// Set the language the user will get on the account page
accountUrl = addParamToUrl({
url: accountUrl,
name: "kc_locale",
value: "en"
// Enable to redirect to the app from the account page we'll get the referrer_uri under kcContext.referrer.url
// It's useful to avoid hard coding the app url in the keycloak config
accountUrl = addParamToUrl({
url: accountUrl,
name: "referrer",
value: keycloakClient
accountUrl = addParamToUrl({
url: accountUrl,
name: "referrer_uri",
value: window.location.href
const { oidc } = useOidc();
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
oidcClient.isUserLoggedIn ?
<h1>You are authenticated !</h1>
{/* On older Keycloak version its /auth/realms instead of /realms */}
<a href={accountUrl}>Link to your Keycloak account</a>
<pre style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>{JSON.stringify(jwt_decode(oidcClient.getAccessToken()), null, 2)}</pre>
<button onClick={() => oidcClient.logout({ redirectTo: "home" })}>Logout</button>
oidc.isUserLoggedIn ?
<AuthenticatedRoute logout={() => oidc.logout({ redirectTo: "home" })} />
<button onClick={() => oidcClient.login({ doesCurrentHrefRequiresAuth: false })}>Login</button>
<button onClick={() => oidc.login({ doesCurrentHrefRequiresAuth: false })}>Login</button>
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<img src={myimg} alt="test_image" />
@ -90,4 +73,85 @@ function ContextualizedApp() {
function AuthenticatedRoute(props: { logout: () => void; }) {
const { logout } = props;
const { user } = useUser();
return (
<h1>Hello {user.name} !</h1>
<a href={buildAccountUrl({ locale: "en" })}>Link to your Keycloak account</a>
<button onClick={logout}>Logout</button>
<pre style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>{JSON.stringify(user, null, 2)}</pre>
function useUser() {
const { oidc } = useOidc();
assert(oidc.isUserLoggedIn, "This hook can only be used when the user is logged in");
const { idToken } = oidc.getTokens();
const user = useMemo(
() =>
// Use https://jwt.io/ to tell what's in your idToken
// It will depend of your Keycloak configuration.
// Here I declare only two field on the type but actually there are
// Many more things available.
sub: string;
name: string;
preferred_username: string;
// This is a custom attribute set up in our Keycloak configuration
// it's not present by default.
// See https://docs.keycloakify.dev/realtime-input-validation#getting-your-custom-user-attribute-to-be-included-in-the-jwt
favorite_pet: "cat" | "dog" | "bird";
return { user };
function buildAccountUrl(
params: {
locale: string;
const { locale } = params;
let accountUrl = `${keycloakUrl}/realms/${keycloakRealm}/account`;
// Set the language the user will get on the account page
accountUrl = addQueryParamToUrl({
url: accountUrl,
name: "kc_locale",
value: locale
// Enable to redirect to the app from the account page we'll get the referrer_uri under kcContext.referrer.url
// It's useful to avoid hard coding the app url in the keycloak config
accountUrl = addQueryParamToUrl({
url: accountUrl,
name: "referrer",
value: keycloakClientId
accountUrl = addQueryParamToUrl({
url: accountUrl,
name: "referrer_uri",
value: window.location.href
return accountUrl;
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
import { useState, useContext, createContext, useEffect } from "react";
import Keycloak_js from "keycloak-js";
import { id } from "tsafe/id";
import { addParamToUrl } from "powerhooks/tools/urlSearchParams";
import type { ReturnType } from "tsafe/ReturnType";
import type { Param0 } from "tsafe/Param0";
import { assert } from "tsafe/assert";
import { createKeycloakAdapter } from "keycloakify";
import jwt_decode from "jwt-decode";
import { Evt } from "evt";
export declare type OidcClient = OidcClient.LoggedIn | OidcClient.NotLoggedIn;
export declare namespace OidcClient {
export type NotLoggedIn = {
isUserLoggedIn: false;
login: (params: {
//To prevent infinite loop if the user access a page that requires to
//be authenticated but cancel (clicks back).
doesCurrentHrefRequiresAuth: boolean;
}) => Promise<never>;
export type LoggedIn = {
isUserLoggedIn: true;
getAccessToken: () => string;
logout: (params: { redirectTo: "home" | "current page" }) => Promise<never>;
//If we have sent a API request to change user's email for example
//and we want that jwt_decode(oidcClient.getAccessToken()).email be the new email
//in this case we would call this method...
updateTokenInfos: () => Promise<void>;
type Params = {
url: string;
realm: string;
clientId: string;
transformUrlBeforeRedirect?: (url: string) => string;
getUiLocales?: () => string;
log?: typeof console.log;
async function createKeycloakOidcClient(params: Params): Promise<OidcClient> {
const {
} = params;
const keycloakInstance = new Keycloak_js({ url, realm, clientId });
let redirectMethod: ReturnType<
Param0<typeof createKeycloakAdapter>["getRedirectMethod"]
> = "overwrite location.href";
const isAuthenticated = await keycloakInstance
onLoad: "check-sso",
silentCheckSsoRedirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/silent-sso.html`,
responseMode: "query",
checkLoginIframe: false,
adapter: createKeycloakAdapter({
transformUrlBeforeRedirect: url =>
.map(transformUrlBeforeRedirect ?? (url => url))
getUiLocales === undefined ?
(url => url) :
url =>
"name": "ui_locales",
"value": getUiLocales()
getRedirectMethod: () => redirectMethod
.catch((error: Error) => error);
//TODO: Make sure that result is always an object.
if (isAuthenticated instanceof Error) {
throw isAuthenticated;
const login: OidcClient.NotLoggedIn["login"] = async ({
}) => {
if (doesCurrentHrefRequiresAuth) {
redirectMethod = "location.replace";
await keycloakInstance.login({ "redirectUri": window.location.href });
return new Promise<never>(() => { });
if (!isAuthenticated) {
return id<OidcClient.NotLoggedIn>({
"isUserLoggedIn": false,
let currentAccessToken = keycloakInstance.token!;
const oidcClient = id<OidcClient.LoggedIn>({
"isUserLoggedIn": true,
"getAccessToken": () => currentAccessToken,
"logout": async ({ redirectTo }) => {
await keycloakInstance.logout({
"redirectUri": (() => {
switch (redirectTo) {
case "current page":
return window.location.href;
case "home":
return window.location.origin;
return new Promise<never>(() => { });
"updateTokenInfos": async () => {
await keycloakInstance.updateToken(-1);
currentAccessToken = keycloakInstance.token!;
(function callee() {
const msBeforeExpiration = jwt_decode<{ exp: number }>(currentAccessToken)["exp"] * 1000 - Date.now();
setTimeout(async () => {
log?.(`OIDC access token will expire in ${minValiditySecond} seconds, waiting for user activity before renewing`);
await Evt.merge([
Evt.from(document, "mousemove"),
Evt.from(document, "keydown")
log?.("User activity detected. Refreshing access token now");
const error = await keycloakInstance.updateToken(-1).then(
() => undefined,
(error: Error) => error
if (error) {
log?.("Can't refresh OIDC access token, getting a new one");
//NOTE: Never resolves
await login({ "doesCurrentHrefRequiresAuth": true });
currentAccessToken = keycloakInstance.token!;
}, msBeforeExpiration - minValiditySecond * 1000);
return oidcClient;
const minValiditySecond = 25;
const oidcClientContext = createContext<OidcClient | undefined>(undefined);
export function createOidcClientProvider(params: Params) {
const prOidcClient = createKeycloakOidcClient(params);
function OidcClientProvider(props: { children: React.ReactNode; }) {
const { children } = props;
const [oidcClient, setOidcClient] = useState<OidcClient | undefined>(undefined);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (oidcClient === undefined) {
return null;
return (
<oidcClientContext.Provider value={oidcClient}>
return { OidcClientProvider };
export function useOidcClient() {
const oidcClient = useContext(oidcClientContext);
assert(oidcClient !== undefined);
return { oidcClient };
@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ import { useI18n } from "./i18n";
const Template = lazy(() => import("./Template"));
const DefaultTemplate = lazy(() => import("keycloakify/login/Template"));
// You can uncomment this to see the values passed by the main app before redirecting.
//import { foo, bar } from "./valuesTransferredOverUrl";
//console.log(`Values passed by the main app in the URL parameter:`, { foo, bar });
const Login = lazy(() => import("./pages/Login"));
// If you can, favor register-user-profile.ftl over register.ftl, see: https://docs.keycloakify.dev/realtime-input-validation
const Register = lazy(() => import("./pages/Register"));
@ -5,6 +5,17 @@ import type { PageProps } from "keycloakify/login/pages/PageProps";
import { useGetClassName } from "keycloakify/login/lib/useGetClassName";
import type { KcContext } from "../kcContext";
import type { I18n } from "../i18n";
import { retrieveQueryParamFromUrl } from "oidc-spa/tools/urlQueryParams";
const result = retrieveQueryParamFromUrl({
"url": window.location.href,
"name": "my_custom_param",
if (result.wasPresent) {
console.log("my_custom_param", result.value);
export default function Login(props: PageProps<Extract<KcContext, { pageId: "login.ftl" }>, I18n>) {
const { kcContext, i18n, doUseDefaultCss, Template, classes } = props;
@ -60,7 +71,7 @@ export default function Login(props: PageProps<Extract<KcContext, { pageId: "log
realm.password &&
social.providers && [getClassName("kcFormSocialAccountContentClass"), getClassName("kcFormSocialAccountClass")]
social.providers && [getClassName("kcFormSocialAccountContentClass"), getClassName("kcFormSocialAccountClass")]
{realm.password && (
@ -71,8 +82,8 @@ export default function Login(props: PageProps<Extract<KcContext, { pageId: "log
const label = !realm.loginWithEmailAllowed
? "username"
: realm.registrationEmailAsUsername
? "email"
: "usernameOrEmail";
? "email"
: "usernameOrEmail";
const autoCompleteHelper: typeof label = label === "usernameOrEmail" ? "username" : label;
@ -123,8 +134,8 @@ export default function Login(props: PageProps<Extract<KcContext, { pageId: "log
{...(login.rememberMe === "on"
? {
"checked": true
"checked": true
: {})}
@ -149,8 +160,8 @@ export default function Login(props: PageProps<Extract<KcContext, { pageId: "log
{...(auth?.selectedCredential !== undefined
? {
"value": auth.selectedCredential
"value": auth.selectedCredential
: {})}
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
import { kcContext } from "./kcContext";
import {
} from "powerhooks/tools/urlSearchParams";
import { capitalize } from "tsafe/capitalize";
export const { foo, addFooToQueryParams } = (() => {
const queryParamName = "foo";
type Type = { foo: number; };
const value = (()=> {
const unparsedValue = read({ queryParamName });
if( unparsedValue === undefined ){
return undefined;
return JSON.parse(unparsedValue) as Type;
function addToUrlQueryParams(params: {
url: string;
value: Type;
}): string {
const { url, value } = params;
return addParamToUrl({
"name": queryParamName,
"value": JSON.stringify(value)
const out = {
[queryParamName]: value,
[`add${capitalize(queryParamName)}ToQueryParams` as const]: addToUrlQueryParams
} as const;
return out;
export const { bar, addBarToQueryParams } = (() => {
const queryParamName = "bar";
type Type = string;
const value = (()=> {
const unparsedValue = read({ queryParamName });
if( unparsedValue === undefined ){
return undefined;
return JSON.parse(unparsedValue) as Type;
function addToUrlQueryParams(params: {
url: string;
value: Type;
}): string {
const { url, value } = params;
return addParamToUrl({
"name": queryParamName,
"value": JSON.stringify(value)
const out = {
[queryParamName]: value,
[`add${capitalize(queryParamName)}ToQueryParams` as const]: addToUrlQueryParams
} as const;
return out;
function read(params: { queryParamName: string }): string | undefined {
if (kcContext === undefined || process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
//NOTE: We do something only if we are really in Keycloak
return undefined;
const { queryParamName } = params;
read_from_url: {
const result = retrieveParamFromUrl({
"url": window.location.href,
"name": queryParamName
if (!result.wasPresent) {
break read_from_url;
const { newUrl, value: serializedValue } = result;
localStorage.setItem(queryParamName, serializedValue);
return serializedValue;
//Reading from local storage
const serializedValue = localStorage.getItem(queryParamName);
if (serializedValue === null) {
throw new Error(
`Missing ${queryParamName} in URL when redirecting to login page`
return serializedValue;
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