This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 176 additions and 60 deletions
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"@types/react": "18.0.9",
"@types/react-dom": "18.0.4",
"react-scripts": "5.0.0",
"typescript": "^4.9.5"
"typescript": "~4.8.0"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": [
@ -5,4 +5,12 @@
.my-font {
font-family: 'Work Sans';
.my-root-class {
background: white;
.my-root-class body {
background: url(./assets/background.svg) no-repeat center center fixed;
@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
import "./KcApp.css";
import { lazy, Suspense } from "react";
import type { KcContext } from "./kcContext";
import { useI18n, type I18n } from "./i18n";
import Fallback, { defaultKcProps, type PageProps } from "keycloakify";
import { useI18n } from "./i18n";
import Fallback, { defaultKcProps, type KcProps, type PageProps } from "keycloakify";
// Here we have overloaded the default template, however you could use the default one with:
//import Template from "keycloakify/lib/Template";
import Template from "./Template";
import { KcContextBase } from "keycloakify/lib/getKcContext";
import type { I18nBase } from "keycloakify/lib/i18n";
import type { TemplateProps } from "keycloakify";
const Login = lazy(()=> import("keycloakify/lib/pages/Login"));
const Login = lazy(() => import("keycloakify/lib/pages/Login"));
const Register = lazy(() => import("./pages/Register"));
const Terms = lazy(() => import("./pages/Terms"));
const MyExtraPage1 = lazy(() => import("./pages/MyExtraPage1"));
const MyExtraPage2 = lazy(() => import("./pages/MyExtraPage2"));
type Props = {
kcContext: KcContext;
// This is like editing the
const kcProps: KcProps = {
// NOTE: The classes are defined in ./KcApp.css
"kcHeaderWrapperClass": "my-color my-font",
"kcHtmlClass": [...defaultKcProps.kcHtmlClass, "my-root-class"],
export default function App({ kcContext }: Props) {
export default function App(props: { kcContext: KcContext; }) {
const { kcContext } = props;
const i18n = useI18n({ kcContext });
//NOTE: Locales not yet downloaded
@ -26,52 +33,23 @@ export default function App({ kcContext }: Props) {
return null;
const props = {
const pageProps: Omit<PageProps<any, typeof i18n>, "kcContext"> = {
// NOTE: The classes are defined in ./KcApp.css
"kcHeaderWrapperClass": "my-color my-font"
} satisfies Omit<PageProps<any, I18n>, "kcContext">;
doFetchDefaultThemeResources: true,
return (
{(() => {
switch (kcContext.pageId) {
case "login.ftl": return <Login {...{kcContext, ...props }} />;
case "register.ftl": return <Register {...{ kcContext, ...props }} />;
case "terms.ftl": return <Terms {...{ kcContext, ...props }} />;
case "my-extra-page-1.ftl": return <MyExtraPage1 {...{ kcContext, ...props }} />;
case "my-extra-page-2.ftl": return <MyExtraPage2 {...{ kcContext, ...props }} />;
//const x: KcContextBase = kcContext;
//console.log(Template2, x);
//const y: I18nBase = i18n;
//const zz: TemplateProps<KcContextBase, I18nBase> = null as any as TemplateProps<KcContext, I18n>;
//const z: TemplateProps<KcContextBase, I18nBase> = null as any as TemplateProps<typeof kcContext, I18n>;
type XX = typeof kcContext;
const Template2: (props: TemplateProps<KcContextBase, I18nBase>) => JSX.Element | null= null as any as (( props: TemplateProps<XX, I18n>)=> JSX.Element | null);
//const Template3= (props: TemplateProps<typeof kcContext, I18n>)=> <Template {...props}/>;
const xxxx: PageProps<KcContextBase, I18nBase> = {
"kcContext": kcContext,
"Template": Template3,
"i18n": i18n
return <Fallback {...{ kcContext, ...props }} Template={Template3} />;
case "login.ftl": return <Login {...{ kcContext, ...pageProps }} />;
case "register.ftl": return <Register {...{ kcContext, ...pageProps }} />;
case "terms.ftl": return <Terms {...{ kcContext, ...pageProps }} />;
case "my-extra-page-1.ftl": return <MyExtraPage1 {...{ kcContext, ...pageProps }} />;
case "my-extra-page-2.ftl": return <MyExtraPage2 {...{ kcContext, ...pageProps }} />;
default: return <Fallback {...{ kcContext, ...pageProps }} />;
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ import { assert } from "keycloakify/lib/tools/assert";
import { clsx } from "keycloakify/lib/tools/clsx";
import { pathJoin } from "keycloakify/bin/tools/pathJoin";
import type { TemplateProps } from "keycloakify/lib/KcProps";
//import type { KcContextBase } from "keycloakify/lib/getKcContext";
import type { KcContext } from "./kcContext";
// Here Instead of KcContextBase.Common you should provide your own context
import type { I18n } from "./i18n";
export default function Template(props: TemplateProps<KcContext, I18n>) {
@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ export default function Template(props: TemplateProps<KcContext, I18n>) {
{{ languageTag }) => (
<li key={languageTag} className="kc-dropdown-item">
{/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid */}
<a href="#" onClick={()=> changeLocale(languageTag)}>
<a href="#" onClick={() => changeLocale(languageTag)}>
@ -212,7 +210,7 @@ export default function Template(props: TemplateProps<KcContext, I18n>) {
<div className={clsx(props.kcFormGroupClass)}>
<input type="hidden" name="tryAnotherWay" value="on" />
{/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid */}
<a href="#" id="try-another-way" onClick={()=>{
<a href="#" id="try-another-way" onClick={() => {
document.forms["kc-select-try-another-way-form" as never].submit();
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
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After (image error) Size: 9.3 KiB |
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { getKcContext } from "keycloakify/lib/kcContext";
import { getKcContext } from "keycloakify/lib/getKcContext";
//NOTE: In most of the cases you do not need to overload the KcContext, you can
// just call getKcContext(...) without type arguments.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// Note that it is no longer recommended to use register.ftl, it's best to use register-user-profile.ftl
// See:
import { clsx } from "keycloakify/lib/tools/clsx";
import type { PageProps } from "keycloakify";
import type { PageProps } from "keycloakify/lib/KcProps";
import type { KcContext } from "../kcContext";
import type { I18n } from "../i18n";
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import { Markdown } from "keycloakify/lib/tools/Markdown";
import { evtTermMarkdown, useDownloadTerms } from "keycloakify/lib/pages/Terms";
import tos_en_url from "../assets/";
import tos_fr_url from "../assets/";
import type { KcContext } from "../kcContext";
import type { PageProps } from "keycloakify/lib/KcProps";
import type { KcContext } from "../kcContext";
import type { I18n } from "../i18n";
export default function Terms(props: PageProps<Extract<KcContext, { pageId: "terms.ftl"; }>, I18n>) {
@ -8810,10 +8810,10 @@ typedarray-to-buffer@^3.1.5:
is-typedarray "^1.0.0"
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version "4.8.4"
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version "1.0.2"
Add table
Reference in a new issue