The bot allows you to easily **create and manage registration tokens** aka. invitation codes.
It can be used for an invitation-based server,
where you invite someone by sending them a registration token (loook like this: `rbalQ0zkaDSRQCOp`). They can register as normal but have to provide a valid registration token in a final step of the registration.
For `matrix_bot_matrix_registration_bot_api_token`you need an access token with the permission to access the admin api. Access to the API is needed for all restricted actions of the bot (list, create etc..). Refer to the documentation on [how to obtain an access token](
In this room send `help` and the bot will reply with all options.
You can also refer to the upstream [Usage documentation](
If you have any questions, or if you need help setting it up, read the [troublshooting guide](
or join [](
To clean the cache (session&encryption data) after you changed the bot's username, changed the login methon form access_token to password etc.. you can use
just run-tags bot-matrix-registration-bot-clean-cache