You will need a remote server where borg will store the backups. There are hosted, borg compatible solutions available, such as [BorgBase](
The backup will run based on `matrix_backup_borg_schedule` var (systemd timer calendar), default: 4am every day.
* PASSPHRASE - passphrase used for encrypting backups, you may generate it with `pwgen -s 64 1` or use any password manager
* PRIVATE KEY - the content of the **private** part of the SSH key you created before
`matrix_backup_borg_location_source_directories` defines the list of directories to back up, `{{ matrix_base_data_path }}` is the base directory for every service's data, such as Synapse, Postgres and the bridges. You might want to exclude certain directories or file patterns from the backup using the `matrix_backup_borg_location_exclude_patterns` variable.