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# This is the Dendrite configuration file.
# The configuration is split up into sections - each Dendrite component has a
# configuration section, in addition to the "global" section which applies to
# all components.
# At a minimum, to get started, you will need to update the settings in the
# "global" section for your deployment, and you will need to check that the
# database "connection_string" line in each component section is correct.
# Each component with a "database" section can accept the following formats
# for "connection_string":
# SQLite: file:filename.db
# file:///path/to/filename.db
# PostgreSQL: postgresql://user:pass@hostname/database?params=...
# SQLite is embedded into Dendrite and therefore no further prerequisites are
# needed for the database when using SQLite mode. However, performance with
# PostgreSQL is significantly better and recommended for multi-user deployments.
# SQLite is typically around 20-30% slower than PostgreSQL when tested with a
# small number of users and likely will perform worse still with a higher volume
# of users.
# The "max_open_conns" and "max_idle_conns" settings configure the maximum
# number of open/idle database connections. The value 0 will use the database
# engine default, and a negative value will use unlimited connections. The
# "conn_max_lifetime" option controls the maximum length of time a database
# connection can be idle in seconds - a negative value is unlimited.
# The version of the configuration file.
2022-04-05 02:40:37 +00:00
version: 2
# Global Matrix configuration. This configuration applies to all components.
# The domain name of this homeserver.
server_name: {{ matrix_domain|to_json }}
# The path to the signing private key file, used to sign requests and events.
# Note that this is NOT the same private key as used for TLS! To generate a
# signing key, use "./bin/generate-keys --private-key matrix_key.pem".
private_key: "/data/{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}.signing.pem"
# The paths and expiry timestamps (as a UNIX timestamp in millisecond precision)
# to old signing private keys that were formerly in use on this domain. These
# keys will not be used for federation request or event signing, but will be
# provided to any other homeserver that asks when trying to verify old events.
# old_private_keys:
# - private_key: old_matrix_key.pem
# expired_at: 1601024554498
# How long a remote server can cache our server signing key before requesting it
# again. Increasing this number will reduce the number of requests made by other
# servers for our key but increases the period that a compromised key will be
# considered valid by other homeservers.
key_validity_period: 168h0m0s
# The server name to delegate server-server communications to, with optional port
# e.g. localhost:443
well_known_server_name: ""
# The server name to delegate client-server communications to, with optional port
# e.g. localhost:443
well_known_client_name: ""
# Lists of domains that the server will trust as identity servers to verify third
# party identifiers such as phone numbers and email addresses.
trusted_third_party_id_servers: {{ matrix_dendrite_trusted_id_servers|to_json }}
# Disables federation. Dendrite will not be able to make any outbound HTTP requests
# to other servers and the federation API will not be exposed.
disable_federation: {{ (not matrix_dendrite_federation_enabled)|to_json }}
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# Configures the handling of presence events.
# Whether inbound presence events are allowed, e.g. receiving presence events from other servers
enable_inbound: false
# Whether outbound presence events are allowed, e.g. sending presence events to other servers
enable_outbound: false
# Configuration for in-memory caches. Caches can often improve performance by
# keeping frequently accessed items (like events, identifiers etc.) in memory
# rather than having to read them from the database.
# The estimated maximum size for the global cache in bytes, or in terabytes,
# gigabytes, megabytes or kilobytes when the appropriate 'tb', 'gb', 'mb' or
# 'kb' suffix is specified. Note that this is not a hard limit, nor is it a
# memory limit for the entire process. A cache that is too small may ultimately
# provide little or no benefit.
max_size_estimated: 1gb
# The maximum amount of time that a cache entry can live for in memory before
# it will be evicted and/or refreshed from the database. Lower values result in
# easier admission of new cache entries but may also increase database load in
# comparison to higher values, so adjust conservatively. Higher values may make
# it harder for new items to make it into the cache, e.g. if new rooms suddenly
# become popular.
max_age: 1h
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# Server notices allows server admins to send messages to all users.
enabled: false
# The server localpart to be used when sending notices, ensure this is not yet taken
local_part: "_server"
# The displayname to be used when sending notices
display_name: "Server alerts"
# The mxid of the avatar to use
avatar_url: ""
# The roomname to be used when creating messages
room_name: "Server Alerts"
# Configuration for NATS JetStream
# A list of NATS Server addresses to connect to. If none are specified, an
# internal NATS server will be started automatically when running Dendrite
# in monolith mode. It is required to specify the address of at least one
# NATS Server node if running in polylith mode.
# - jetstream:4222
# Keep all NATS streams in memory, rather than persisting it to the storage
# path below. This option is present primarily for integration testing and
# should not be used on a real world Dendrite deployment.
in_memory: false
# Persistent directory to store JetStream streams in. This directory
# should be preserved across Dendrite restarts.
storage_path: "/matrix-nats-store"
# The prefix to use for stream names for this homeserver - really only
# useful if running more than one Dendrite on the same NATS deployment.
topic_prefix: Dendrite
# Configuration for Prometheus metric collection.
# Whether or not Prometheus metrics are enabled.
enabled: {{ matrix_dendrite_metrics_enabled|to_json }}
# HTTP basic authentication to protect access to monitoring.
username: {{ matrix_dendrite_metrics_username|to_json }}
password: {{ matrix_dendrite_metrics_password|to_json }}
# DNS cache options. The DNS cache may reduce the load on DNS servers
# if there is no local caching resolver available for use.
# Whether or not the DNS cache is enabled.
enabled: false
# Maximum number of entries to hold in the DNS cache, and
# for how long those items should be considered valid in seconds.
cache_size: 256
cache_lifetime: "5m" # 5minutes; see for more
# Configuration for the Appservice API.
connect: http://appservice_api:7777
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# Disable the validation of TLS certificates of appservices. This is
# not recommended in production since it may allow appservice traffic
# to be sent to an unverified endpoint.
disable_tls_validation: {{ matrix_dendrite_disable_tls_validation|to_json }}
# Appservice configuration files to load into this homeserver.
config_files: {{ matrix_dendrite_app_service_config_files_final|to_json }}
# Configuration for the Client API.
connect: http://client_api:7771
# Prevents new users from being able to register on this homeserver, except when
# using the registration shared secret below.
registration_disabled: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_registration_disabled | to_json }}
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# Prevents new guest accounts from being created. Guest registration is also
# disabled implicitly by setting 'registration_disabled' above.
guests_disabled: true
# If set, allows registration by anyone who knows the shared secret, regardless of
# whether registration is otherwise disabled.
registration_shared_secret: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_registration_shared_secret | string | to_json }}
# Whether to require reCAPTCHA for registration.
enable_registration_captcha: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_enable_registration_captcha | to_json }}
# Settings for ReCAPTCHA.
recaptcha_public_key: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_recaptcha_public_key | to_json }}
recaptcha_private_key: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_recaptcha_private_key | to_json }}
recaptcha_bypass_secret: ""
recaptcha_siteverify_api: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_recaptcha_siteverify_api | to_json }}
recaptcha_api_js_url: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_recaptcha_api_js_url | to_json }}
recaptcha_form_field: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_recaptcha_form_field | to_json }}
recaptcha_sitekey_class: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_recaptcha_sitekey_class | to_json }}
# TURN server information that this homeserver should send to clients.
turn_user_lifetime: ""
turn_uris: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_turn_uris | to_json }}
turn_shared_secret: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_turn_shared_secret | to_json }}
turn_username: ""
turn_password: ""
# Settings for rate-limited endpoints. Rate limiting will kick in after the
# threshold number of "slots" have been taken by requests from a specific
# host. Each "slot" will be released after the cooloff time in milliseconds.
enabled: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_rate_limiting_enabled | to_json }}
threshold: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_rate_limiting_threshold | to_json }}
cooloff_ms: {{ matrix_dendrite_client_api_rate_limiting_cooloff_ms | to_json }}
# - ""
# Configuration for the Federation API.
connect: http://federation_api:7772
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connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_federationapi_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 10
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
# How many times we will try to resend a failed transaction to a specific server. The
# backoff is 2**x seconds, so 1 = 2 seconds, 2 = 4 seconds, 3 = 8 seconds etc.
send_max_retries: 16
# Disable the validation of TLS certificates of remote federated homeservers. Do not
# enable this option in production as it presents a security risk!
disable_tls_validation: {{ matrix_dendrite_disable_tls_validation|to_json }}
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# Not in dendrite-config.yaml, but is in build/docker/config/dendrite.yaml
# Use the following proxy server for outbound federation traffic.
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# enabled: false
# protocol: http
# host: localhost
# port: 8080
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# Perspective keyservers to use as a backup when direct key fetches fail. This may
# be required to satisfy key requests for servers that are no longer online when
# joining some rooms.
- server_name:
- key_id: ed25519:auto
public_key: Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw
- key_id: ed25519:a_RXGa
public_key: l8Hft5qXKn1vfHrg3p4+W8gELQVo8N13JkluMfmn2sQ
# This option will control whether Dendrite will prefer to look up keys directly
# or whether it should try perspective servers first, using direct fetches as a
# last resort.
prefer_direct_fetch: false
# Configuration for the Key Server (for end-to-end encryption).
connect: http://key_server:7779
connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_keyserver_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 10
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
# Configuration for the Media API.
connect: http://media_api:7774
connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_mediaapi_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 10
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
# Storage path for uploaded media. May be relative or absolute.
base_path: "/matrix-media-store-parent/{{ matrix_dendrite_media_store_directory_name }}"
# The maximum allowed file size (in bytes) for media uploads to this homeserver
# (0 = unlimited). If using a reverse proxy, ensure it allows requests at
# least this large (e.g. client_max_body_size in nginx.)
max_file_size_bytes: {{ matrix_dendrite_max_file_size_bytes|to_json }}
# Whether to dynamically generate thumbnails if needed.
dynamic_thumbnails: false
# The maximum number of simultaneous thumbnail generators to run.
max_thumbnail_generators: 10
# A list of thumbnail sizes to be generated for media content.
2022-04-05 02:40:37 +00:00
- width: 32
height: 32
method: crop
- width: 96
height: 96
method: crop
- width: 640
height: 480
method: scale
# Configuration for experimental MSC's
# A list of enabled MSC's
# Currently valid values are:
# - msc2836 (Threading, see
# - msc2946 (Spaces Summary, see
mscs: []
connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_mscs_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 5
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
# Configuration for the Room Server.
connect: http://room_server:7770
connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_room_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 10
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
# Configuration for the Sync API.
connect: http://sync_api:7773
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connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_syncapi_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 10
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
# This option controls which HTTP header to inspect to find the real remote IP
# address of the client. This is likely required if Dendrite is running behind
# a reverse proxy server.
# real_ip_header: X-Real-IP
real_ip_header: {{ matrix_dendrite_sync_api_real_ip_header|to_json }}
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# Configuration for the full-text search engine.
# Whether or not search is enabled.
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enabled: {{ matrix_dendrite_syncapi_search_enabled|to_json }}
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# The path where the search index will be created in.
index_path: "/matrix-media-store-parent/searchindex"
# The language most likely to be used on the server - used when indexing, to
# ensure the returned results match expectations. A full list of possible languages
# can be found at
language: "en"
# Configuration for the User API.
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# The cost when hashing passwords on registration/login. Default: 10. Min: 4, Max: 31
# See for more information.
# Setting this lower makes registration/login consume less CPU resources at the cost of security
# should the database be compromised. Setting this higher makes registration/login consume more
# CPU resources but makes it harder to brute force password hashes.
# This value can be low if performing tests or on embedded Dendrite instances (e.g WASM builds)
# bcrypt_cost: 10
connect: http://user_api:7781
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connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_userapi_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 10
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
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# The length of time that a token issued for a relying party from
# /_matrix/client/r0/user/{userId}/openid/request_token endpoint
# is considered to be valid in milliseconds.
# The default lifetime is 3600000ms (60 minutes).
# openid_token_lifetime_ms: 3600000
auto_join_rooms: {{ matrix_dendrite_userapi_auto_join_rooms | to_json }}
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# Not in dendrite-config.yaml, but is in build/docker/config/dendrite.yaml
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# Configuration for the Push Server API.
2022-04-09 20:41:35 +00:00
listen: http://localhost:7782
connect: http://localhost:7782
connection_string: {{ matrix_dendrite_database_str }}/{{ matrix_dendrite_pushserver_database }}?sslmode=disable
max_open_conns: 10
max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
# Configuration for Opentracing.
# See for information on
# how this works and how to set it up.
enabled: false
serviceName: ""
disabled: false
rpc_metrics: false
tags: []
sampler: null
reporter: null
headers: null
baggage_restrictions: null
throttler: null
# Logging configuration, in addition to the standard logging that is sent to
# stdout by Dendrite.
logging: []
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# statistics reporting configuration. These statistics contain the server
# name, number of active users and some information on your deployment config.
report_stats: {{ matrix_dendrite_report_stats|to_json }}