`matrix_prometheus_enabled`|Prometheus is a time series database. It holds all the data we're going to talk about.
`matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled`|Enables metrics specific to Synapse
`matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_enabled`|Node Exporter is an addon of sorts to Prometheus that collects generic system information such as CPU, memory, filesystem, and even system temperatures
`matrix_grafana_enabled`|Grafana is the visual component. It shows the dashboards with the graphs that we're interested in
`matrix_grafana_anonymous_access`|By default you need to login to see graphs. If you want to publicly share your graphs (e.g. when asking for help in [`#synapse:matrix.org`](https://matrix.to/#/#synapse:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=privacytools.io&via=mozilla.org)) you'll want to enable this option.
`matrix_grafana_default_admin_user`<br>`matrix_grafana_default_admin_password`|By default Grafana creates a user with `admin` as the username and password. If you feel this is insecure and you want to change it beforehand, you can do that here
## More inforation
- [Understanding Synapse Performance Issues Through Grafana Graphs](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/wiki/Understanding-Synapse-Performance-Issues-Through-Grafana-Graphs) at the Synapse Github Wiki
- [The Prometheus scraping rules](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/tree/master/contrib/prometheus) (we use v2)