Make healthchecks work for Synapse worker containers

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Slavi Pantaleev 2021-02-24 07:59:14 +02:00
parent f9a0ec6fd1
commit 2ef1d9c537

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@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ ExecStart={{ matrix_host_command_docker }} run --rm --name {{ matrix_synapse_wor
--read-only \
--tmpfs=/tmp:rw,noexec,nosuid,size={{ matrix_synapse_tmp_directory_size_mb }}m \
--network={{ matrix_docker_network }} \
{% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.port != 0 %}
--health-cmd 'curl -fSs http://localhost:{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.port }}/health || exit 1' \
{% else %}
--no-healthcheck \
{% endif %}
{% if matrix_synapse_workers_enabled and matrix_synapse_workers_container_host_bind_address %}
{% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.port != 0 %}
-p {{ '' if matrix_synapse_workers_container_host_bind_address == '*' else (matrix_synapse_workers_container_host_bind_address + ':') }}{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.port }}:{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.port }} \