Check DNS SRV record for _matrix-identity._tcp when mxisd enabled

This commit is contained in:
Slavi Pantaleev 2019-01-08 10:39:22 +02:00
parent f92c4d5a27
commit ef2dc3745a
2 changed files with 48 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
--- ---
# This requires the dnspython library and will fail with a friendly error when unavailable. - name: Determine DNS SRV records to check (Matrix)
- name: Check DNS SRV record
set_fact: set_fact:
result_dig_srv: "{{ lookup('dig', ('_matrix._tcp.' + hostname_identity + './SRV'), 'flat=0', wantlist=False) }}" dns_srv_record_checks:
- service_and_protocol: "_matrix._tcp"
domain: "{{ (hostname_identity + '.') }}"
expected_target: "{{ (hostname_matrix + '.') }}"
expected_port: 8448
- name: Fail if DNS SRV record missing - block:
fail: - set_fact:
msg: "It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ hostname_identity }} is not set up correctly (the record is missing). See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook." dns_srv_record_check_mxisd:
when: "result_dig_srv == 'NXDOMAIN'" service_and_protocol: "_matrix-identity._tcp"
domain: "{{ (hostname_identity + '.') }}"
expected_target: "{{ (hostname_matrix + '.') }}"
expected_port: 443
- name: Fail if DNS SRV record incorrect - name: Determine domains that we require certificates for (mxisd)
fail: set_fact:
msg: > dns_srv_record_checks: "{{ dns_srv_record_checks + [dns_srv_record_check_mxisd] }}"
It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ hostname_identity }} is not set up correctly. when: "matrix_mxisd_enabled"
Expected it to point to `{{ (hostname_matrix + '.') }}` (port 8448).
Found it pointing to `{{ }}` (port {{ result_dig_srv.port }}).
See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook.
when: " != (hostname_matrix + '.') or result_dig_srv.port != 8448"
- name: Report correct DNS SRV record - name: Perform DNS SRV checks
debug: include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/self_check/self_check_dns_srv.yml"
msg: "The DNS SRV record for {{ hostname_identity }} points to {{ hostname_matrix }}, as expected" with_items: "{{ dns_srv_record_checks }}"
loop_var: dns_srv_record_check

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# This requires the dnspython library and will fail with a friendly error when unavailable.
- name: Check DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }}
result_dig_srv: "{{ lookup('dig', (dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol + '.' + dns_srv_record_check.domain + '/SRV'), 'flat=0', wantlist=False) }}"
- name: Fail if DNS SRV record missing
msg: "It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} is not set up correctly (the record is missing). See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook."
when: "result_dig_srv == 'NXDOMAIN'"
- name: Fail if DNS SRV record incorrect
msg: >
It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} is not set up correctly.
Expected it to point to `{{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_target }}` (port {{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_port }}).
Found it pointing to `{{ }}` (port {{ result_dig_srv.port }}).
See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook.
when: " != dns_srv_record_check.expected_target or result_dig_srv.port != dns_srv_record_check.expected_port"
- name: Report correct DNS SRV record
msg: >
The DNS SRV record for `{{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }}` on `{{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }}`
points to `{{ }}` (port {{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_port }}), as expected