--- matrix_synapse_client_api_url_endpoint_public: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}/_matrix/client/versions" matrix_synapse_federation_api_url_endpoint_public: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}:{{ matrix_federation_public_port }}/_matrix/federation/v1/version" # Tells whether this role had executed or not. Toggled to `true` during runtime. matrix_synapse_role_executed: false matrix_synapse_media_store_directory_name: "{{ matrix_synapse_media_store_path | basename }}" # A Synapse generic worker can handle both federation and client-server API endpoints. # We wish to split these, as we normally serve federation separately and don't want them mixed up. # # This is some ugly Ansible/Jinja2 hack (seen here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47831492), # which takes a list of various strings and removes the ones NOT containing `/_matrix/client` anywhere in them. # # We intentionally don't do a diff between everything possible (`matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_endpoints`) and `matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_federation_endpoints`, # because `matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_endpoints` also contains things like `/_synapse/client/`, etc. # While /_synapse/client/ endpoints are somewhat client-server API-related, they're: # - neither part of the client-server API spec (and are thus, different) # - nor always OK to forward to a worker (we're supposed to obey `matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_forwarded_location_synapse_client_api_enabled`) # # It's also not too many of these APIs (only `^/_synapse/client/password_reset/email/submit_token$` at the time of this writing / 2021-01-24), # so it's not that important whether we forward them or not. # # Basically, we aim to cover most things. Skipping `/_synapse/client` or a few other minor things doesn't matter too much. matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_client_server_endpoints: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_endpoints | default([]) | map('regex_search', '.*/_matrix/client.*') | list | difference([none]) }}" # A Synapse generic worker can handle both federation and client-server API endpoints. # We wish to split these, as we normally serve federation separately and don't want them mixed up. # # This is some ugly Ansible/Jinja2 hack (seen here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47831492), # which takes a list of various strings and removes the ones NOT containing `/_matrix/federation` or `/_matrix/key` anywhere in them. matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_federation_endpoints: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_endpoints | default([]) | map('regex_search', matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_federation_endpoints_regex) | list | difference([none]) }}" # matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_federation_endpoints_regex contains the regex used in matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_federation_endpoints. # It's intentionally put in a separate variable, to avoid tripping ansible-lint's var-spacing rule. matrix_synapse_workers_generic_worker_federation_endpoints_regex: '.*(/_matrix/federation|/_matrix/key).*' # matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_typing_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints contains the endpoints serviced by the `typing` stream writer. # See: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/workers.html#the-typing-stream matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_typing_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints: - ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/typing # matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_to_device_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints contains the endpoints serviced by the `to_device` stream writer. # See: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/workers.html#the-to_device-stream matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_to_device_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints: - ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/sendToDevice/ # matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_account_data_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints contains the endpoints serviced by the `account_data` stream writer. # See: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/workers.html#the-account_data-stream matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_account_data_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints: - ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/.*/tags - ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/.*/account_data # matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_receipts_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints contains the endpoints serviced by the `recepts` stream writer. # See: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/workers.html#the-receipts-stream matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_receipts_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints: - ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/receipt - ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/read_markers # matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_presence_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints contains the endpoints serviced by the `presence` stream writer. # See: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/workers.html#the-presence-stream matrix_synapse_workers_stream_writer_presence_stream_worker_client_server_endpoints: - ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/presence/ # matrix_synapse_workers_user_dir_worker_client_server_endpoints contains the endpoints serviced by the `type = user_dir` (`app = generic_worker`) worker. # See: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/workers.html#updating-the-user-directory matrix_synapse_workers_user_dir_worker_client_server_endpoints: - ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/user_directory/search$ # matrix_synapse_workers_known_stream_writer_stream_types contains the list of stream writer stream types that the playbook recognizes. # This is used for validation purposes. If adding support for a new type, besides adding it to this list, # don't forget to actually configure it where appropriate (see worker.yaml.j2`, the nginx proxy configuration, etc). matrix_synapse_workers_known_stream_writer_stream_types: ['events', 'typing', 'to_device', 'account_data', 'receipts', 'presence'] # matrix_synapse_workers_webserving_stream_writer_types contains a list of stream writer types that serve web (client) requests. # Not all stream writers serve web requests. Some just perform background tasks. matrix_synapse_workers_webserving_stream_writer_types: ['typing', 'to_device', 'account_data', 'receipts', 'presence'] # matrix_synapse_workers_systemd_services_list contains a list of systemd services (one for each worker systemd service which serves web requests). # This list is built during runtime. # Not all workers serve web requests. Those that don't won't be injected here. matrix_synapse_webserving_workers_systemd_services_list: [] # matrix_synapse_known_worker_types contains the list of known worker types. # # A worker type is different than a worker app (e.g. `generic_worker`). # For example, the `stream_writer` worker type is served by the `generic_worker` app, but is a separate type that we recognize. # # Some other types (`appservice` and `user_dir`) used to be Synapse worker apps, which got subsequently deprecated. # We still allow these types of workers and map them to the `generic_worker` app, # which is why we make sure they're part of the list below. # We use the `unique` filter because they're part of `matrix_synapse_workers_avail_list` too (for now; scheduled for removal). matrix_synapse_known_worker_types: | {{ ( matrix_synapse_workers_avail_list + ['stream_writer'] + ['appservice'] + ['user_dir'] + ['background'] ) | unique }} # matrix_synapse_known_instance_map_eligible_worker_types contains the list of worker types that are to be injected into `matrix_synapse_instance_map`. matrix_synapse_known_instance_map_eligible_worker_types: - stream_writer