--- # This requires the dnspython library which is usually unavailable. - name: Check DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} using Ansible dig lookup set_fact: lookup_dig_srv: "{{ lookup('dig', (dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol + '.' + dns_srv_record_check.domain + '/SRV'), 'flat=0', wantlist=False) }}" register: result_lookup_dig_srv ignore_errors: true - name: Fail if DNS SRV check via Ansible dig lookup failed for non-dependency reason fail: msg: "DNS SRV record check via Ansible dig lookup plugin (which uses the dnspython package) failed. Error is: {{ result_lookup_dig_srv.msg }}" when: "result_lookup_dig_srv.failed and 'dnspython' not in result_lookup_dig_srv.msg" # Fallback to using the dig CLI tool if dnspython was unavailable. - name: Check DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} using dig CLI tool shell: cmd: "dig -t srv {{ (dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol + '.' + dns_srv_record_check.domain)|quote }}" register: result_cli_dig_srv changed_when: false ignore_errors: true when: "lookup_dig_srv is not defined" - name: Fail if dig CLI used and failed fail: msg: >- Failed performing DNS SRV record check. You neither have the `dnspython` Python package, nor the `dig` program installed locally. You need to install one of those, so we could perform a DNS SRV record check. Full error from trying to run `dig`: {{ result_cli_dig_srv }} when: "lookup_dig_srv is not defined and result_cli_dig_srv.stderr != ''" - name: Fail if DNS SRV record missing (Ansible dig lookup) fail: msg: >- It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} is not set up correctly (the record is missing). See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook. when: "lookup_dig_srv is defined and lookup_dig_srv == 'NXDOMAIN'" - name: Fail if DNS SRV record incorrect (Ansible dig lookup) fail: msg: >- It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} is not set up correctly. Expected it to point to `{{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_target }}` (port {{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_port }}). Found it pointing to `{{ lookup_dig_srv.target }}` (port {{ lookup_dig_srv.port }}). See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook. when: "lookup_dig_srv is defined and (lookup_dig_srv.target != dns_srv_record_check.expected_target or lookup_dig_srv.port != dns_srv_record_check.expected_port)" # We expect an answer like this: # ;; ANSWER SECTION: # _matrix._tcp.DOMAIN. 10800 IN SRV 10 0 8448 matrix.DOMAIN. - name: Fail if DNS SRV record missing or incorrect (dig CLI tool) fail: msg: >- It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} is not set up correctly. Expected it to point to `{{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_target }}` (port {{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_port }}). See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook. Full response from the `dig` lookup was: {{ result_cli_dig_srv }} when: "lookup_dig_srv is not defined and (dns_srv_record_check.expected_port|string + ' ' + dns_srv_record_check.expected_target) not in result_cli_dig_srv.stdout" - name: Report correct DNS SRV record debug: msg: >- The DNS SRV record for `{{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }}` on `{{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }}` points to `{{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_target }}` (port {{ dns_srv_record_check.expected_port }}), as expected.