# The bare hostname which represents your identity. # This is something like "example.com". # Note: this playbook does not touch the server referenced here. hostname_identity: "{{ host_specific_hostname_identity }}" # This is where your data lives and what we set up here. # This and the Riot hostname (see below) are expected to be on the same server. hostname_matrix: "matrix.{{ hostname_identity }}" # This is where you access the web UI from and what we set up here. # This and the Matrix hostname (see above) are expected to be on the same server. hostname_riot: "riot.{{ hostname_identity }}" ssl_certs_path: /etc/pki/acmetool-certs ssl_support_email: "{{ host_specific_ssl_support_email }}" matrix_user_username: "matrix" matrix_user_uid: 991 matrix_user_gid: 991 matrix_postgres_connection_username: "synapse" matrix_postgres_connection_password: "synapse-password" matrix_postgres_db_name: "homeserver" matrix_base_data_path: "/matrix" matrix_environment_variables_data_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/environment-variables" matrix_synapse_data_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/synapse" matrix_postgres_data_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/postgres" matrix_nginx_proxy_data_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/nginx-proxy" matrix_nginx_proxy_confd_path: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_data_path }}/conf.d" matrix_nginx_riot_web_data_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/riot-web" matrix_scratchpad_dir: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/scratchpad" docker_postgres_image: "postgres:9.6.3-alpine" docker_matrix_image: "silviof/docker-matrix" docker_nginx_image: "nginx:1.13.3-alpine" docker_riot_image: "silviof/matrix-riot-docker" # Specifies when to restart the Matrix services so that # a new SSL certificate could go into effect (UTC time). matrix_services_restart_cron_time_definition: "15 4 3 * *" # UDP port-range to use for TURN matrix_coturn_turn_udp_min_port: 49152 matrix_coturn_turn_udp_max_port: 49172 matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address: "{{ ansible_host }}"