{ "name": "Configure Dimension", "description": "Configure Dimension, the self-hosted integrations server.", "spec": [ { "question_name": "Enable Dimension", "question_description": "Enables the Dimension integration server, before doing this you need to create a CNAME record for 'dimension.{{ matrix_domain }}' that points to 'matrix.{{ matrix_domain }}'.", "required": false, "min": null, "max": null, "default": "{{ matrix_dimension_enabled | string | lower }}", "choices": "true\nfalse", "new_question": true, "variable": "matrix_dimension_enabled", "type": "multiplechoice" }, { "question_name": "Dimension Users", "question_description": "Here you can list the user accounts that will be able to configure Dimension. Entries must be seperated with newlines and must be a complete Matrix ID. For example: '@dimension:{{ matrix_domain }}'", "required": false, "min": 0, "max": 65536, "default": {{ awx_dimension_users_raw_final | to_json }}, "choices": "", "new_question": true, "variable": "awx_dimension_users_raw", "type": "textarea" } ] }