- name: Record Backup Server variables locally on AWX delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/matrix_vars.yml' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# AWX Settings Start' with_dict: 'awx_backup_enabled': '{{ awx_backup_enabled }}' tags: use-survey - name: Save new 'Backup Server' survey.json to the AWX tower, template delegate_to: template: src: 'roles/matrix-awx/surveys/backup_server.json.j2' dest: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/backup_server.json' tags: use-survey - name: Copy new 'Backup Server' survey.json to target machine copy: src: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/backup_server.json' dest: '/matrix/awx/backup_server.json' mode: '0660' tags: use-survey - name: Recreate 'Backup Server' job template delegate_to: awx.awx.tower_job_template: name: "{{ matrix_domain }} - 0 - Backup Server" description: "Performs a backup of the entire service to a remote location." extra_vars: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/extra_vars.json') }}" job_type: run job_tags: "backup-server,use-survey" inventory: "{{ member_id }}" project: "{{ member_id }} - Matrix Docker Ansible Deploy" playbook: setup.yml credential: "{{ member_id }} - AWX SSH Key" survey_enabled: true survey_spec: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/backup_server.json') }}" become_enabled: yes state: present verbosity: 1 tower_host: "https://{{ awx_host }}" tower_oauthtoken: "{{ awx_session_token.ansible_facts.tower_token.token }}" validate_certs: yes tags: use-survey - name: Include vars in matrix_vars.yml include_vars: file: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/matrix_vars.yml' no_log: True - name: Copy new 'matrix_vars.yml' to target machine copy: src: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/matrix_vars.yml' dest: '/matrix/awx/matrix_vars.yml' mode: '0660' tags: use-survey - name: Run initial backup of /matrix/ and snapshot the database simultaneously command: "{{ item }}" with_items: - borgmatic -c /root/.config/borgmatic/config_1.yaml - /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/awx-export-service.sh 1 0 register: _create_instances async: 3600 # Maximum runtime in seconds. poll: 0 # Fire and continue (never poll) when: awx_backup_enabled|bool - name: Wait for both of these jobs to finish async_status: jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}" register: _jobs until: _jobs.finished delay: 5 # Check every 5 seconds. retries: 720 # Retry for a full hour. with_items: "{{ _create_instances.results }}" when: awx_backup_enabled|bool - name: Perform borg backup of postgres dump command: borgmatic -c /root/.config/borgmatic/config_2.yaml when: awx_backup_enabled|bool - name: Delete the AWX session token for executing modules awx.awx.tower_token: description: 'AWX Session Token' scope: "write" state: absent existing_token_id: "{{ awx_session_token.ansible_facts.tower_token.id }}" tower_host: "https://{{ awx_host }}" tower_oauthtoken: "{{ awx_session_token.ansible_facts.tower_token.token }}" - name: Set boolean value to exit playbook set_fact: end_playbook: true - name: End playbook if this task list is called. meta: end_play when: end_playbook is defined and end_playbook|bool