--- - name: Determine well-known files to check (Matrix) set_fact: well_known_file_checks: - path: /.well-known/matrix/client purpose: Client Discovery cors: true follow_redirects: false - block: - set_fact: well_known_file_check_matrix_server: path: /.well-known/matrix/server purpose: Server Discovery cors: false follow_redirects: true - name: Determine domains that we require certificates for (mxisd) set_fact: well_known_file_checks: "{{ well_known_file_checks + [well_known_file_check_matrix_server] }}" when: "matrix_well_known_matrix_server_enabled" - name: Perform well-known checks include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/self_check_well_known_file.yml" with_items: "{{ well_known_file_checks }}" loop_control: loop_var: well_known_file_check