#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True" {% macro render_vhost_directives() %} {% for configuration_block in matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_additional_server_configuration_blocks %} {{- configuration_block }} {% endfor %} location / { return 301 https://{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_element_hostname }}$request_uri; } {% endmacro %} server { listen {{ 8080 if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else 80 }}; server_name {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_compat_redirect_hostname }}; server_tokens off; root /dev/null; {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled %} location /.well-known/acme-challenge { {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled %} {# Use the embedded DNS resolver in Docker containers to discover the service #} resolver valid=5s; set $backend "matrix-certbot:8080"; proxy_pass http://$backend; {% else %} {# Generic configuration for use outside of our container setup #} proxy_pass{{ matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_standalone_http_port }}; {% endif %} } location / { return 301 https://$http_host$request_uri; } {% else %} {{ render_vhost_directives() }} {% endif %} } {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled %} server { listen {{ 8443 if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else 443 }} ssl http2; listen [::]:{{ 8443 if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else 443 }} ssl http2; server_name {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_compat_redirect_hostname }}; server_tokens off; root /dev/null; ssl_certificate {{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_compat_redirect_hostname }}/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key {{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_compat_redirect_hostname }}/privkey.pem; {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_protocols == "" %} ssl_protocols {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_presets[matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset]['protocols'] }}; {% else %} ssl_protocols {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_protocols }}; {% endif %} {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers == "" %} ssl_prefer_server_ciphers {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_presets[matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset]['prefer_server_ciphers'] }}; {% else %} ssl_prefer_server_ciphers {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers }}; {% endif %} {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_ciphers == "" %} {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset == "old" or matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset == "intermediate" %} ssl_ciphers "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_presets[matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset]['ciphers'] }}"; {% endif %} {% else %} ssl_ciphers "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_ciphers }}"; {% endif %} {{ render_vhost_directives() }} } {% endif %}