--- # Pre-checks - name: Fail if Postgres not enabled fail: msg: "Postgres via the matrix-postgres role is not enabled (`matrix_postgres_enabled`). Cannot import." when: "not matrix_postgres_enabled|bool" - name: Fail if playbook called incorrectly fail: msg: "The `nedb_database_path` variable needs to be provided to this playbook, via --extra-vars" when: "nedb_database_path is not defined or nedb_database_path.startswith('<')" - name: Check if the provided nedb database file exists stat: path: "{{ nedb_database_path }}" register: nedb_database_path_stat_result - name: Fail if provided SQLite database file doesn't exist fail: msg: "File cannot be found on the server at {{ nedb_database_path }}" when: "not nedb_database_path_stat_result.stat.exists" # We either expect `postgres_db_connection_string` specifying a full Postgres database connection string, # or `postgres_connection_string_variable_name`, specifying a name of a variable, which contains a valid connection string. - block: - name: Fail if postgres_connection_string_variable_name points to an undefined variable fail: msg="postgres_connection_string_variable_name is defined, but there is no variable with the name `{{ postgres_connection_string_variable_name }}`" when: "postgres_connection_string_variable_name not in vars" - name: Get Postgres connection string from variable set_fact: postgres_db_connection_string: "{{ lookup('vars', postgres_connection_string_variable_name) }}" when: 'postgres_connection_string_variable_name is defined' - name: Fail if playbook called incorrectly fail: msg: >- Either a `postgres_db_connection_string` variable or a `postgres_connection_string_variable_name` needs to be provided to this playbook, via `--extra-vars`. Example: `--extra-vars="postgres_db_connection_string=postgresql://username:password@localhost:/database_name"` or `--extra-vars="postgres_connection_string_variable_name=matrix_appservice_discord_database_connString"` when: "postgres_db_connection_string is not defined or not postgres_db_connection_string.startswith('postgresql://')" # Defaults - name: Set postgres_start_wait_time, if not provided set_fact: postgres_start_wait_time: 15 when: "postgres_start_wait_time|default('') == ''" # Actual import work - name: Ensure matrix-postgres is started service: name: matrix-postgres state: started daemon_reload: yes register: matrix_postgres_service_start_result - name: Wait a bit, so that Postgres can start wait_for: timeout: "{{ postgres_start_wait_time }}" delegate_to: become: false when: "matrix_postgres_service_start_result.changed|bool" # See https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/Migrating-from-NEdB-to-PostgreSQL - name: Import appservice_irc NeDB database from {{ sqlite_database_path }} into Postgres when: database == 'appservice_irc' command: cmd: >- {{ matrix_host_command_docker }} run --rm --user={{ matrix_user_uid }}:{{ matrix_user_gid }} --cap-drop=ALL --network={{ matrix_docker_network }} --mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_appservice_irc_data_path }}:/data:ro --entrypoint=/bin/sh {{ matrix_appservice_irc_docker_image }} -c './scripts/migrate-db-to-pgres.sh -d /data -p passkey.pem -c {{ postgres_db_connection_string }}' # No migration.sh available, but found this: # https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-slack/blob/develop/src/scripts/migrateToPostgres.ts # Usage should be similar to appservice_irc - name: Import appservice_slack NeDB database from {{ sqlite_database_path }} into Postgres when: database == 'appservice_slack' command: cmd: >- {{ matrix_host_command_docker }} run --rm --user={{ matrix_user_uid }}:{{ matrix_user_gid }} --cap-drop=ALL --network={{ matrix_docker_network }} --mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_appservice_irc_data_path }}:/data:ro --entrypoint=/bin/sh {{ matrix_appservice_slack_docker_image }} -c 'node /lib/scripts/migrate-db-to-pgres.js -d /data -p passkey.pem -c {{ postgres_db_connection_string }}' - name: Archive NeDB database ({{ sqlite_database_path }} -> {{ sqlite_database_path }}.backup) command: cmd: "mv {{ sqlite_database_path }} {{ sqlite_database_path }}.backup" - name: Inject result set_fact: matrix_playbook_runtime_results: | {{ matrix_playbook_runtime_results|default([]) + [ "NOTE: Your NeDB database file has been imported into Postgres. The original directory has been moved from `{{ nedb_database_path }}` to `{{ nedb_database_path }}.backup`. When you've confirmed that the import went well and everything works, you should be able to safely delete this file." ] }}