- name: Record Corporal Enabled/Disabled variable delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Corporal Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_corporal_enabled': '{{ matrix_corporal_enabled }}' - name: Enable Shared Secret Auth if Corporal enabled delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Shared Secret Auth Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_enabled': 'true' when: matrix_corporal_enabled|bool - name: Disable Shared Secret Auth if Corporal disabled delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Shared Secret Auth Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_enabled': 'false' when: not matrix_corporal_enabled|bool - name: Enable Rest Auth Endpoint if Corporal enabled delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Synapse Extension Start' with_dict: 'matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_enabled': 'true' when: matrix_corporal_enabled|bool - name: Disable Rest Auth Endpoint if Corporal disabled delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Synapse Extension Start' with_dict: 'matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_enabled': 'false' when: not matrix_corporal_enabled|bool - name: Disable Corporal API if Simple Static File mode selected delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Corporal Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_corporal_http_api_enabled': 'false' when: (matrix_corporal_policy_provider_mode == "Simple Static File") or (not matrix_corporal_enabled|bool) - name: Enable Corporal API if Push/Pull mode delected delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Corporal Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_corporal_http_api_enabled': 'true' when: (matrix_corporal_policy_provider_mode != "Simple Static File") and (matrix_corporal_enabled|bool) - name: Record Corporal API Access Token if it's defined delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Corporal Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_corporal_http_api_auth_token': '{{ matrix_corporal_http_api_auth_token }}' when: matrix_corporal_http_api_auth_token|length > 0 - name: Record 'Simple Static File' configuration variables in matrix_vars.yml delegate_to: blockinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' insertafter: "# Corporal Policy Provider Settings Start" block: | matrix_corporal_policy_provider_config: | { "Type": "static_file", "Path": "/etc/matrix-corporal/corporal-policy.json" } when: matrix_corporal_policy_provider_mode == "Simple Static File" - name: Touch the /matrix/corporal/ directory file: path: "/matrix/corporal/" state: directory owner: matrix group: matrix mode: '750' - name: Touch the /matrix/corporal/config/ directory file: path: "/matrix/corporal/config/" state: directory owner: matrix group: matrix mode: '750' - name: Touch the /matrix/corporal/cache/ directory file: path: "/matrix/corporal/cache/" state: directory owner: matrix group: matrix mode: '750' - name: Touch the corporal-policy.json file to ensure it exists file: path: "/matrix/corporal/config/corporal-policy.json" state: touch owner: matrix group: matrix mode: '660' - name: Touch the last-policy.json file to ensure it exists file: path: "/matrix/corporal/config/last-policy.json" state: touch owner: matrix group: matrix mode: '660' - name: Record 'Simple Static File' configuration content in corporal-policy.json copy: content: "{{ matrix_corporal_simple_static_config | string }}" dest: "/matrix/corporal/config/corporal-policy.json" owner: matrix group: matrix mode: '660' when: (matrix_corporal_policy_provider_mode == "Simple Static File") and (matrix_corporal_simple_static_config|length > 0) - name: Record 'HTTP Pull Mode' configuration variables in matrix_vars.yml delegate_to: blockinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' insertafter: "# Corporal Policy Provider Settings Start" block: | matrix_corporal_policy_provider_config: | { "Type": "http", "Uri": "{{ matrix_corporal_pull_mode_uri }}", "AuthorizationBearerToken": "{{ matrix_corporal_pull_mode_token }}", "CachePath": "/var/cache/matrix-corporal/last-policy.json", "ReloadIntervalSeconds": 1800, "TimeoutMilliseconds": 30000 } when: (matrix_corporal_policy_provider_mode == "HTTP Pull Mode (API Enabled)") and (matrix_corporal_pull_mode_uri|length > 0) and (matrix_corporal_pull_mode_token|length > 0) - name: Record 'HTTP Push Mode' configuration variables in matrix_vars.yml delegate_to: blockinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' insertafter: "# Corporal Policy Provider Settings Start" block: | matrix_corporal_policy_provider_config: | { "Type": "last_seen_store_policy", "CachePath": "/var/cache/matrix-corporal/last-policy.json" } when: (matrix_corporal_policy_provider_mode == "HTTP Push Mode (API Enabled)") - name: Lower RateLimit if set to 'Normal' delegate_to: replace: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: ' address:\n per_second: 50\n burst_count: 300\n account:\n per_second: 0.17\n burst_count: 300' replace: ' address:\n per_second: 0.17\n burst_count: 3\n account:\n per_second: 0.17\n burst_count: 3' when: matrix_corporal_raise_ratelimits == "Normal" - name: Raise RateLimit if set to 'Raised' delegate_to: replace: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: ' address:\n per_second: 0.17\n burst_count: 3\n account:\n per_second: 0.17\n burst_count: 3' replace: ' address:\n per_second: 50\n burst_count: 300\n account:\n per_second: 0.17\n burst_count: 300' when: matrix_corporal_raise_ratelimits == "Raised" - name: Save new 'Configure Corporal' survey.json to the AWX tower delegate_to: template: src: 'roles/matrix-awx/surveys/configure_corporal.json.j2' dest: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/configure_corporal.json' - name: Copy new 'Configure Corporal' survey.json to target machine copy: src: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/configure_corporal.json' dest: '/matrix/awx/configure_corporal.json' mode: '0660' - debug: msg: "matrix_corporal_matrix_homeserver_api_endpoint: {{ matrix_corporal_matrix_homeserver_api_endpoint }}" - debug: msg: "matrix_corporal_matrix_auth_shared_secret: {{ matrix_corporal_matrix_auth_shared_secret }}" - debug: msg: "matrix_corporal_http_gateway_internal_rest_auth_enabled: {{ matrix_corporal_http_gateway_internal_rest_auth_enabled }}" - debug: msg: "matrix_corporal_matrix_registration_shared_secret: {{ matrix_corporal_matrix_registration_shared_secret }}" - name: Recreate 'Configure Corporal (Advanced)' job template delegate_to: awx.awx.tower_job_template: name: "{{ matrix_domain }} - 1 - Configure Corporal (Advanced)" description: "Configure Matrix Corporal, a tool that manages your Matrix server according to a configuration policy." extra_vars: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/extra_vars.json') }}" job_type: run job_tags: "start,setup-corporal" inventory: "{{ member_id }}" project: "{{ member_id }} - Matrix Docker Ansible Deploy" playbook: setup.yml credential: "{{ member_id }} - AWX SSH Key" survey_enabled: true survey_spec: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/configure_corporal.json') }}" become_enabled: yes state: present verbosity: 1 tower_host: "https://{{ awx_host }}" tower_oauthtoken: "{{ awx_session_token.ansible_facts.tower_token.token }}" validate_certs: yes