#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True" worker_app: synapse.app.{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.app }} worker_name: {{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.name }} worker_daemonize: false worker_log_config: /data/{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}.log.config {% if matrix_synapse_replication_listener_enabled %} worker_replication_host: matrix-synapse worker_replication_http_port: {{ matrix_synapse_replication_http_port }} {% endif %} {% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.type == 'generic_worker' %} worker_main_http_uri: http://matrix-synapse:{{ matrix_synapse_container_client_api_port }} {% endif %} {% set http_resources = [] %} {% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.type == 'user_dir' %} {% set http_resources = http_resources + ['client'] %} {% endif %} {% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.type == 'generic_worker' %} {% set http_resources = http_resources + ['client', 'federation'] %} {% endif %} {# None of the background workers need to handle federation traffic. Only some of the stream writers need to handle client traffic. #} {% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.type == 'stream_writer' and matrix_synapse_worker_details.webserving %} {% set http_resources = http_resources + ['client'] %} {% endif %} {% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.type == 'media_repository' %} {% set http_resources = http_resources + ['media'] %} {% endif %} {% set replication_http_resources = [] %} {% if matrix_synapse_worker_details.type == 'stream_writer' %} {# All background workers need to handle replication traffic. #} {% set replication_http_resources = replication_http_resources + ['replication'] %} {% endif %} {% if http_resources|length > 0 or matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled or replication_http_resources|length > 0 %} worker_listeners: {% if http_resources|length > 0 %} - type: http bind_addresses: ['::'] x_forwarded: true port: {{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.port }} resources: - names: {{ http_resources|to_json }} {% endif %} {% if matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled %} - type: metrics bind_addresses: [''] port: {{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.metrics_port }} {% endif %} {% if replication_http_resources|length > 0 %} - type: http bind_addresses: ['::'] port: {{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.replication_port }} resources: - names: {{ replication_http_resources|to_json }} {% endif %} {% endif %}