--- - when: matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_enabled | bool and matrix_backup_borg_version == '' block: - name: Fail with matrix_backup_borg_version advice if Postgres not enabled ansible.builtin.fail: msg: >- You are not running a built-in Postgres server (`devture_postgres_enabled: false`), so auto-detecting its version and setting `matrix_backup_borg_version` automatically based on that cannot happen. Consider setting `matrix_backup_borg_version` to your Postgres version manually. when: not devture_postgres_enabled - ansible.builtin.include_role: name: galaxy/com.devture.ansible.role.postgres tasks_from: detect_existing_postgres_version - name: Fail if detected Postgres version is unsupported ansible.builtin.fail: msg: "You cannot use borg backup with such an old version ({{ devture_postgres_detected_version }}) of Postgres. Consider upgrading - link to docs for upgrading Postgres: docs/maintenance-postgres.md#upgrading-postgresql" when: "devture_postgres_detected_version not in matrix_backup_borg_supported_postgres_versions" - name: Set the correct borg backup version to use ansible.builtin.set_fact: matrix_backup_borg_version: "{{ devture_postgres_detected_version }}-{{ matrix_backup_borg_borg_version }}-{{ matrix_backup_borg_borgmatic_version }}" - name: Ensure borg paths exist ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: directory mode: 0750 owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}" group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}" with_items: - {path: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_config_path }}", when: true} - {path: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_src_files_path }}", when: true} when: "item.when | bool" - name: Ensure borgmatic config is created ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_configuration | to_nice_yaml(indent=2, width=999999) }}" dest: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_config_path }}/config.yaml" owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}" group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}" mode: 0640 - name: Ensure borg passwd is created ansible.builtin.template: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/passwd.j2" dest: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_config_path }}/passwd" owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}" group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}" mode: 0640 - name: Ensure borg ssh key is created ansible.builtin.template: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/sshkey.j2" dest: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_config_path }}/sshkey" owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}" group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}" mode: 0600 - name: Ensure borg image is pulled community.docker.docker_image: name: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_image }}" source: "{{ 'pull' if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor > 7 else omit }}" force_source: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_image_force_pull if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else omit }}" force: "{{ omit if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else matrix_backup_borg_docker_image_force_pull }}" when: "not matrix_backup_borg_container_image_self_build | bool" register: result retries: "{{ devture_playbook_help_container_retries_count }}" delay: "{{ devture_playbook_help_container_retries_delay }}" until: result is not failed - name: Ensure borg repository is present on self-build ansible.builtin.git: repo: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_repo }}" version: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_repo_version }}" dest: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_src_files_path }}" force: "yes" become: true become_user: "{{ matrix_user_username }}" register: matrix_backup_borg_git_pull_results when: "matrix_backup_borg_container_image_self_build | bool" - name: Ensure borg image is built community.docker.docker_image: name: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_image }}" source: build force_source: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_git_pull_results.changed if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else omit }}" force: "{{ omit if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else matrix_mailer_git_pull_results.changed }}" build: dockerfile: Dockerfile path: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_docker_src_files_path }}" pull: true when: "matrix_backup_borg_container_image_self_build | bool" - name: Ensure matrix-backup-borg.service installed ansible.builtin.template: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/systemd/matrix-backup-borg.service.j2" dest: "{{ devture_systemd_docker_base_systemd_path }}/matrix-backup-borg.service" mode: 0644 register: matrix_backup_borg_systemd_service_result - name: Ensure matrix-backup-borg.timer installed ansible.builtin.template: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/systemd/matrix-backup-borg.timer.j2" dest: "{{ devture_systemd_docker_base_systemd_path }}/matrix-backup-borg.timer" mode: 0644