--- - name: Determine domains to obtain certificates for (Matrix) set_fact: domains_to_obtain_certificate_for: "['{{ hostname_matrix }}']" - name: Determine domains to obtain certificates for (Riot) set_fact: domains_to_obtain_certificate_for: "{{ domains_to_obtain_certificate_for + [hostname_riot] }}" when: matrix_riot_web_enabled - name: Allow access to HTTP/HTTPS in firewalld firewalld: service: "{{ item }}" state: enabled immediate: yes permanent: yes with_items: - http - https when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' - name: Ensure acmetool Docker image is pulled docker_image: name: willwill/acme-docker # Granting +rx to others as well, because the `nginx` user from within # matrix-nginx-proxy needs to be able to read the acme-challenge files inside # for renewal purposes. # # This should not be causing security trouble outside of the container, # as the parent directory (/matrix) does not allow "others" to access it or any of its children. # Still, it works when the /ssl subtree is mounted in the container. - name: Ensure SSL certificates path exists file: path: "{{ matrix_ssl_certs_path }}" state: directory mode: 0775 owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}" group: "{{ matrix_user_username }}" - name: Check matrix-nginx-proxy state service: name=matrix-nginx-proxy register: matrix_nginx_proxy_state - name: Ensure matrix-nginx-proxy is stopped (if previously installed & started) service: name=matrix-nginx-proxy state=stopped when: "matrix_nginx_proxy_state.status.ActiveState|default('missing') == 'active'" - name: Ensure SSL certificates are marked as wanted in acmetool shell: >- /usr/bin/docker run --rm --name acmetool --net=host -v {{ matrix_ssl_certs_path }}:/certs -v {{ matrix_ssl_certs_path }}/run:/var/run/acme -e ACME_EMAIL={{ matrix_ssl_support_email }} willwill/acme-docker acmetool want {{ item }} --xlog.severity=debug with_items: "{{ domains_to_obtain_certificate_for }}" - name: Ensure matrix-nginx-proxy is started (if previously installed & started) service: name=matrix-nginx-proxy state=started when: "matrix_nginx_proxy_state.status.ActiveState|default('missing') == 'active'" - name: Ensure periodic SSL renewal cronjob configured template: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/cron.d/matrix-ssl-certificate-renewal.j2" dest: "/etc/cron.d/matrix-ssl-certificate-renewal" mode: 0600