--- # If the matrix-synapse role is not used, `matrix_synapse_role_executed` won't exist. # We don't want to fail in such cases. - name: Fail if matrix-synapse role already executed fail: msg: >- The matrix-bridge-heisenbridge role needs to execute before the matrix-synapse role. when: "matrix_heisenbridge_enabled and matrix_synapse_role_executed|default(False)" - set_fact: matrix_systemd_services_list: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list + ['matrix-heisenbridge.service'] }}" when: matrix_heisenbridge_enabled|bool # If the matrix-synapse role is not used, these variables may not exist. - set_fact: matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments: > {{ matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments|default([]) }} + ["--mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_heisenbridge_base_path }}/registration.yaml,dst=/heisenbridge-registration.yaml,ro"] matrix_synapse_app_service_config_files: > {{ matrix_synapse_app_service_config_files|default([]) }} + {{ ["/heisenbridge-registration.yaml"] }} when: matrix_heisenbridge_enabled|bool