# 2018-08-08 ## (BC Break) Renaming playbook variables The following playbook variables were renamed: - from `matrix_max_upload_size_mb` to `matrix_synapse_max_upload_size_mb` - from `matrix_max_log_file_size_mb` to `matrix_synapse_max_log_file_size_mb` - from `matrix_max_log_files_count` to `matrix_synapse_max_log_files_count` - from `docker_matrix_image` to `matrix_docker_image_synapse` - from `docker_nginx_image` to `matrix_docker_image_nginx` - from `docker_riot_image` to `matrix_docker_image_riot` - from `docker_goofys_image` to `matrix_docker_image_goofys` - from `docker_coturn_image` to `matrix_docker_image_coturn` If you're overriding any of them in your `vars.yml` file, you'd need to change to the new names. ## Renaming Ansible playbook tag The command for executing the whole playbook has changed. The `setup-main` tag got renamed to `setup-all`. ## Docker container linking Changed the way the Docker containers are linked together. The ones that need to communicate with others operate in a `matrix` network now and not in the default bridge network.