#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True" [Unit] Description=Dendrite server {% for service in matrix_dendrite_systemd_required_services_list %} Requires={{ service }} After={{ service }} {% endfor %} {% for service in matrix_dendrite_systemd_wanted_services_list %} Wants={{ service }} {% endfor %} DefaultDependencies=no [Service] Type=simple Environment="HOME={{ matrix_systemd_unit_home_path }}" ExecStartPre=-{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} kill matrix-dendrite ExecStartPre=-{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} rm matrix-dendrite {% if matrix_s3_media_store_enabled %} # Allow for some time before starting, so that media store can mount. # Mounting can happen later too, but if we start writing, # we'd write files to the local filesystem and fusermount will complain. ExecStartPre={{ matrix_host_command_sleep }} 3 {% endif %} ExecStart={{ matrix_host_command_docker }} run --rm --name matrix-dendrite \ --log-driver=none \ --user={{ matrix_user_uid }}:{{ matrix_user_gid }} \ --cap-drop=ALL \ --read-only \ --tmpfs=/tmp:rw,noexec,nosuid,size={{ matrix_dendrite_tmp_directory_size_mb }}m \ --network={{ matrix_docker_network }} \ {% if matrix_dendrite_container_client_api_host_bind_port %} -p {{ matrix_dendrite_container_client_api_host_bind_port }}:8008 \ {% endif %} {% if matrix_dendrite_container_federation_api_tls_host_bind_port %} -p {{ matrix_dendrite_container_federation_api_tls_host_bind_port }}:8448 \ {% endif %} --mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_dendrite_config_dir_path }},dst=/data,ro \ --mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_dendrite_storage_path }},dst=/matrix-media-store-parent,bind-propagation=slave \ {% for volume in matrix_dendrite_container_additional_volumes %} -v {{ volume.src }}:{{ volume.dst }}:{{ volume.options }} \ {% endfor %} {% for arg in matrix_dendrite_container_extra_arguments %} {{ arg }} \ {% endfor %} {{ matrix_dendrite_docker_image }} \ --config /data/dendrite.yaml ExecStop=-{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} kill matrix-dendrite ExecStop=-{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} rm matrix-dendrite ExecReload={{ matrix_host_command_docker }} exec matrix-dendrite kill -HUP 1 Restart=always RestartSec=30 SyslogIdentifier=matrix-dendrite [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target