--- # # Tasks related to setting up Element themes # - block: - name: Ensure Element themes repository is pulled git: repo: "{{ matrix_client_element_themes_repository_url }}" dest: "{{ role_path }}/files/scratchpad/themes" - name: Find all Element theme files find: paths: "{{ role_path }}/files/scratchpad/themes" patterns: "*.json" recurse: true register: matrix_client_element_theme_file_list - name: Read Element theme slurp: path: "{{ item.path }}" register: "matrix_client_element_theme_file_contents" with_items: "{{ matrix_client_element_theme_file_list.files }}" - name: Load Element theme set_fact: matrix_client_element_settingDefaults_custom_themes: "{{ matrix_client_element_settingDefaults_custom_themes + [item['content'] | b64decode | from_json] }}" with_items: "{{ matrix_client_element_theme_file_contents.results }}" run_once: true delegate_to: become: false when: matrix_client_element_themes_enabled|bool # # Tasks related to getting rid of Element themes (if it was previously enabled) # - name: Ensure Element themes repository is removed file: path: "{{ role_path }}/files/scratchpad/themes" state: absent run_once: true delegate_to: become: false when: "not matrix_client_element_themes_enabled|bool"