# The tasks below run before `validate_config.yml`. # To avoid failing with a cryptic error message, we'll do validation here. # # This check is mostly relevant to people who explicitly define `matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list` # (Synapse Workers users from the earlier days of this PR - https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/pull/456). # # In the future, it should be possible to remove this check. # Our own code which dynamically builds `matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list` does things right. - name: Fail if instanceId not defined for worker fail: msg: "Synapse workers (like {{ matrix_synapse_worker_details|to_json }}) need to define an instanceId property (type + instanceId must be unique)" when: "'instanceId' not in matrix_synapse_worker_details" - set_fact: matrix_synapse_worker_systemd_service_name: "matrix-synapse-worker-{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.type }}-{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.instanceId }}.service" - set_fact: matrix_systemd_services_list: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list + [matrix_synapse_worker_systemd_service_name] }}"